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Setup SRA Toolkit on the Linux

Yun Zhang edited this page Feb 18, 2018 · 3 revisions

Setting up SRA Toolkit on Ubuntu

Downloading SRA Toolkit:

  1. To download the current version of SRA Toolkit on your Linux, go to:
  2. Extract the tar file on your desktop
    tar -vxzf sratoolkit.tar.gz

Two ways of running SRA Toolkit on Linux

By setting up PATH variable

In your terminal, type
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/sratoolkit.2.4.0-1.mac64/bin

Then, you could check if it is in the PATH variable by

echo $PATH which fastq-dump

By visiting SRA toolkit directory

cd sratoolkit.2.8.2-1-ubuntu64/bin

Testing SRA Toolkit

You could check if SRA Toolkit is currently working on your Linux by

fastq-dump --stdout SRR390728 | head -n 8

It should give you an output exactly like this:

+SRR390728.1 1 length=72
+SRR390728.2 2 length=72

Downloading RNAseq Data from SRA Database

  1. Go to
  2. Search for specific species name (e.g. fundulus heteroclitus)
  3. Click the one you would like to download
  4. Find the RUN# (e.g. SRR4431245) and write down this number
  5. On terminal,
    fastq-dump SRR4431245
    Then, the data should be downloaded to your current directory automatically.


This document is modified based on the Wiki page of NCBI GitHub site (