Collection of scripts for EDA tools
File | Description |
qp_asp | Programming with Quartus Prime Programmer via ASP |
qp_asp_verify | Verifying with Quartus Prime Programmer via ASP |
qp_build | Build Quartus Prime project in the current directory |
qp_info | Show information about Quartus Prime project |
qp_jtag | Programming with Quartus Prime Programmer via JTAG |
qp_jtag_verify | Verifying with Quartus Prime Programmer via JTAG |
qp_make_qip | Make Quartus Prime QIP-file |
qp_nios_stack_rpt | Show Intel Nios II stack report |
qp_open | Open Intel Quartus project |
qp_report | Show Quartus Prime compilation report |
qp_report_latches | Report about project latches from Quartus report files |
qp_report_pin | Simplification of the Quartus Prime report file |
qp_set_path | Set Intel Quartus path variable |
qp_show_prg_files | Show list of Quartus Prime program files |
qp_stp | Open Quartus Prime SignalTap GUI |
qp_summary | Show Quartus Prime compilation summary |
qp_system_console | Open Quartus Prime System Console |
qp_version | Show current Intel Quartus Prime version |
- qp_eclipse - NIOSII Eclipce GUI
- qp_jtag_info - JTAG Server Configuration
- qp_megawizard - Quartus Prime MegaWizard GUI
- qp_prgw - Quartus Prime Programmer GUI
File | Description |
Makefile.questa | Make-file to run Mentor Graphics QuestaSim/ModelSim targets |
mg_make | Run Makefile.questa to run Mentor Graphics QuestaSim/ModelSim targets |
mg_questasim_templates | Script to prepare templates for simulation using Mentor QuestaSim/ModelSim |
rmc | Run Mentor Graphics QuestaSim/ModelSim Commands |
vsimlog | Parser ModelSim/QuestaSim simulation log files (with or without UVM) |
- rvsim - Open QuestaSim
- vsim_run - Run simulation
File | Description |
aliases_eda | Aliases for ‘EDA-scripts’ |
del_eda_temp | Deleting temporary EDA files from the current directory |
wish_cmd | Show a command return code using GUI(wish_msg script) |
wish_msg | Make windows by wish(Tcl/Tk Simple windowing shell) |
wopen | Open GTKWave for custom dump-file and configuration gtkwave_cfg.tcl |
- wish_msg_err - TCL/TK ‘Error’ message
- wish_msg_ok - TCL/TK ‘Ok’ message
- Download
:git clone
or zip-file - add path to
to your environment (or just copy to some bin directory) - add alias for the script that set path to Quartus Prime
- load aliases file (
) with your shell
Add to ~/.bashrc
# Add path to scripts
if [ -d "$PATH2EDA_SCRIPTS" ]; then
# add alias for the script that set path to Quartus Prime
# (to export variables to the environment)
alias qp_set_path=". $PATH2EDA_SCRIPTS/bin/qp_set_path"
# load alias file
if [ -f "$PATH2EDA_SCRIPTS"/aliases_eda ]; then
. "$PATH2EDA_SCRIPTS"/aliases_eda
Go to commands page for basic usage and examples.