Exact diagonalization to the quantum many-body problem using group theory and the Fock basis. Each Fock state is represented as a bitset. To generate the sparse matrix representation of a quantum operator O, when O is applied to a bitset, the resulting Fock states are indexed in the basis using hash table. The symmetry group G splits the original problem into #G independent and smaller problems. A basis of representants is used for each irrep of G while the larger full Fock basis is never used.
User-friendly Hamiltonian construction as in:
QOperator h;
H.Add(Create(i)*Destroy(i) * Create(i+L)*Destroy(i+L) ,U);
and symmetry group:
auto Gr=Z2_Group<L>( ReflectionOp<L> );
auto Geh=Z2_Group<L> ( ParticleHoleOp<L> );
auto T1=TranslationOp<L>(1);
auto Gt=CyclicGroupPow<L>(T1, L);
auto G=Gr.DirectProd(Geh);
- armadillo
- lapack
- blas
- arpack
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