Thin wrapper of ONNX runtime for openFrameworks.
This addon is still in an experimental stage, and I'm not skilled developer, so I'll make breaking changes frequently :(
- ofxCv
- ofxOpenCV
Install ONNX runtime by following the document.
Author's environment is
- Windows10
- NVIDIA Driver:462.80
- CUDA 11.0.221
- cuDNN:
- Visual studio 2019
- oF:11.0
I think it may also work in other environments, such as Linux and Mac, but I have not tested.(I'll be verifying this soon.)
Prepare ONNX model and copy it to /bin
If you use CUDA on windows, please copy onnxruntime_providers_cuda.dll
and onnxruntime_providers_shared.dll
to /bin
//First, create ofxOrt instance
ofxOrt ofxOrt(ORT_TSTR("");
//Create input and output tensors
auto memory_info = Ort::MemoryInfo::CreateCpu(OrtDeviceAllocator, OrtMemTypeCPU);
ofxOrtImageTensor<float> input_tensor(memory_info, content.getTexture());
ofxOrtImageTensor<float> output_tensor(memory_info, numChannels, outWidth, outHeight, true);
//Run inference
ort.forward(Ort::RunOptions{ nullptr }, input_names, &(input_tensor.getTensor()), 1, output_names, &(output_tensor.getTensor()), 1);
ONNX Runtime Inference Examples onnx_runtime_cpp
ofxOrt is under MIT license.