The Problem
Nanyang Technological University uses Blackboard to connect lecturers and students. Blackboard allows the lecturer to post lecture slides, past quizzes and exams, eLearning material, course guidelines, and more. However, it does not have a feature that allows the lecturers and students to communicate with each other effectively on the application. The only method for students to contact the lecturer after class is email communication. As a result, students often find it difficult to communicate with peers taking the same courses when they are facing difficulties in their studies.
Whiteboard is an online gathering place where students can ask, answer, and explore course-related material at any time of the day under the guidance of their instructors, allowing for constant, easy communication between students and instructors.
View more in the screenshot folder
Make sure to install NodeJS & Npm first. Then run this command on the terminal/cmd
npm install -g @vue/cli #Standard Tooling for VueJS
Also, you will need to either clone it to your disk or download the zip Afterwards, just cd into the project and run 'npm install' to install the necessary node_nodules for this to work
cd whiteboard npm install / sudo npm install --unsafe-perm (For Mac Catalina users) npm run serve # run the dev server
- Launch Visual Studio and open the folder
- Double click the sln file
- Start the application
- Populate the data into localdb
- Use either postman/insomnia (REST API client) to test the endpoints
- Endpoints are specified in Controllers folder
- Launchsettings are specified in properties/launchsettings.json
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