This is a Contact Widget built for Android ICS(Ice Cream Sandwich) 4.0+ devices.
You can either build it by yourself or purchase/donate via the Google Play Store.
- Add a list of contacts on your homescreen or lockscreen
- The list of contacts could be starred contacts, one of your contact groups or all contacts
- Resizable with default size to be 1 * 1, or 2 *2
- Directly dial your contacts without the quick action dialog. Phone number priority: Default -> Mobile -> Main...
- A large version with default size to 2 * 2, and a button at the bottom to directly launch the People app
- Sort your contacts by
- Times Contacted, the most frequently contacted appear at the top
- Last Time Contacted, the most recently contacted appear at the top
- Display Name
- A stack view based wiget(2*2) can show your contacts with larger images
- Option to customize how many contacts to be shown
The How To document is available at
- Toby Yu - [email protected]
- German: Sebastian Graf - [email protected]
- Italian: Luca Vettoretto - [email protected]
- French: Jingjing Liu -
- Spanish: Unknown student from Shanghai University, Shawe
- Japanese: Yeye, Xiaoqi Huang
- Russian: fabrikant -