An Android photo viewer program for Flickr, Instagram and 500PX.
You can either build it by yourself or purchase/donate via the Google Play Store.
Please also download the following projects and import into your Eclipse workspace:
- FlickrjApi4Android
- j500px
- jInstagram (this is forked from with some minor changes)
- SlidingMenu
- Android-ViewPagerIndicator
- Universal Image Loader
- Google play service
- Android-PullToRefresh
- JDK 1.6+
Exeucte the command for downloading the 3rd party submodules.
The android-support-v4.jar from SlidingMenu and Android-ViewPagerIndicator will cause mismatch issue. Please use the same jar in both projects for resolving this issue.
- Charles Zhang: [email protected]
- Toby Yu: [email protected]