Technologies this website uses:
Github Pages
Twitter Bootstrap 4.4.1
background color: #1b2530;
Before pushing changes, please check that they will work on your system first with the plugins included in the Gemfile using the bundler tool (results served at
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --port 1234
And go to http://localhost:1234/
Header & Footer for all pages: ./_includes/header.html ./_includes/footer.html
Configurations: ./_config.yml
Navigation Links: ./_data/navlinks.yml
Home: ./index.md; sidebar included from ./_includes/sidebar.md
Research: ./research/index.md
Publications: ./publications/index.md
Members: ./members/index.html, script automatically loops through posts in ./_members with a _template.md
News: ./news/index.html; the script automatically loops through posts in ./_posts
Join: ./join/index.md
Contact: ./contact/index.md
Twitter side bars in Members and News page: ./_includes/twitter_sidebar.html
All images: ./docs/assets/
Custom styles: ./static/css/custom.css
This website was created using the template kindly open-sourced by Fraser Lab (https://github.com/fraser-lab/fraser-lab.github.io). Please refer to the Fraser lab for information on license. A copy of the license file is also included in this folder.