md2tgmd is a Markdown to Telegram-specific-markdown converter.
- Supports most of the specific Markdown syntax for Telegram, including: headings, bold, italic, strikethrough, code blocks, links, and quotes.
- Support the conversion of LaTeX formulas in Markdown to Unicode characters to improve the readability of mathematical formulas in Telegram.
- Support syntax highlighting for code blocks in Markdown.
pip install md2tgmd
From md2tgmd import escape
text = '''
# Title
\[ \\varphi(35) = 35 \\left(1 - \\frac{1}{5}\\right) \\left(1 - \\frac{1}{7}\\right) \]
# Comment
print(qwer) # ferfe
# bn
# b
# Title
## Subtitle

- Item 1 -
- Item 1 -
- Item 1 -
* Item 2 #
* Item 3 ~
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
sudo apt install mesa-utils # Install
# Comment
And simple text `with-ten` `with+ten` + some - **symbols**. # `-` inside `with-ten` will not be escaped
print("Hello, World!") -
Cxy = abs (Pxy)**2/ (Pxx*Pyy)
# pattern = r"`[^`]*`-([^`-]*)``
ϕ(35) = 35(1 - ⅕)(1 - 1/7)
\# Comment
print\(qwer\) \# ferfe
• Item 1 \-
• Item 1 \-
• Item 1 \-
• Item 2 \#
• Item 3 \~
1\. Item 1
2\. Item 2
sudo apt install mesa\-utils \# Install
\# Comment
And simple text `with-ten` `with+ten` \+ some \- *symbols*\. \# `-` inside `with-ten` will not be escaped
print\("Hello, World\!"\) -
Cxy \= abs \(Pxy\)\*\*2/ \(Pxx\*Pyy\)
This project is licensed under GPLv3, which means you are free to copy, distribute, and modify the software, as long as all modifications and derivative works are also released under the same license.