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change ZBX_HOSTNAME for zabbix-proxy based on pod name #28

change ZBX_HOSTNAME for zabbix-proxy based on pod name

change ZBX_HOSTNAME for zabbix-proxy based on pod name #28

Workflow file for this run

name: Helm Chart Linting and Tests
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout Code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Run code spelling check
uses: codespell-project/actions-codespell@v2
ignore_words_list: aks,NotIn
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: codespell
COLUMN_OPTIONS: 'custom-columns=",READY:.status.containerStatuses[*].ready,STATUS:.status.phase,RESTARTS:.status.containerStatuses[*].restartCount,IP:.status.podIP,IMAGE:.spec.containers[*].image"'
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Kind
uses: helm/kind-action@v1
- name: Install Helm
run: |
curl -fsSL -o
chmod +x
- name: Create Namespace in Kind
run: |
kubectl create namespace zabbix
- name: Run Helm install with default values (AppVersion)
run: |
helm install --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test CURRENT LTS
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
- name: Run helm uninstall
run: |
helm uninstall --wait zabbix --namespace zabbix
kubectl delete secrets --all --namespace zabbix
- name: Run Helm install with version 6.0 LTS
run: |
helm install --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix --set zabbixImageTag=ubuntu-6.0-latest ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test 6.0
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
- name: Run Helm upgrade with default values (AppVersion)
run: |
helm upgrade --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test CURRENT LTS
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
- name: Run Helm upgrade with version 7.2 non-LTS
run: |
helm upgrade --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix --set zabbixImageTag=ubuntu-7.2-latest ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test 7.2 non-LTS
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: codespell
COLUMN_OPTIONS: 'custom-columns=",READY:.status.containerStatuses[*].ready,STATUS:.status.phase,RESTARTS:.status.containerStatuses[*].restartCount,IP:.status.podIP,IMAGE:.spec.containers[*].image"'
VALUES_SET: '--set postgresAccess.existingSecretName=db-access --set postgresql.enabled=false --set zabbixServer.zabbixServerHA.enabled=true --set zabbixServer.replicaCount=2'
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Kind
uses: helm/kind-action@v1
- name: Install Helm
run: |
curl -fsSL -o
chmod +x
- name: Create Namespace in Kind
run: |
kubectl create namespace zabbix
- name: Create simple postgresql database for testing
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix run postgres --image=postgres:16 --env="POSTGRES_PASSWORD=zabbix123" --env="POSTGRES_DB=zabbix" --env="POSTGRES_USER=zabbix" --port=5432
kubectl --namespace zabbix wait --for=condition=ready pod -l run=postgres --timeout=60s
kubectl --namespace zabbix expose pod postgres
- name: Create postgres secret (existingSecret)
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix create secret generic db-access --from-literal host=postgres --from-literal port=5432 --from-literal user=zabbix --from-literal password=zabbix123 --from-literal dbname=zabbix
- name: Run Helm install with HA and external DB (AppVersion)
run: |
helm install --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix ${{ env.VALUES_SET }} ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test CURRENT LTS
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
- name: Run helm uninstall and reset database
run: |
helm uninstall --wait zabbix --namespace zabbix
kubectl --namespace zabbix delete pod postgres
kubectl --namespace zabbix wait --for=delete pod -l run=postgres --timeout=60s
kubectl --namespace zabbix run postgres --image=postgres:16 --env="POSTGRES_PASSWORD=zabbix123" --env="POSTGRES_DB=zabbix" --env="POSTGRES_USER=zabbix" --port=5432
kubectl --namespace zabbix wait --for=condition=ready pod -l run=postgres --timeout=60s
- name: Run Helm install with version 6.0 LTS
run: |
helm install --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix --set zabbixImageTag=ubuntu-6.0-latest ${{ env.VALUES_SET }} ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test 6.0
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
- name: Run Helm upgrade with custom values (AppVersion)
run: |
helm upgrade --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix ${{ env.VALUES_SET }} ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test CURRENT LTS
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
- name: Run Helm upgrade with version 7.2 non-LTS
run: |
helm upgrade --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix --set zabbixImageTag=ubuntu-7.2-latest ${{ env.VALUES_SET }} ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test 7.2 non-LTS
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: codespell
COLUMN_OPTIONS: 'custom-columns=",READY:.status.containerStatuses[*].ready,STATUS:.status.phase,RESTARTS:.status.containerStatuses[*].restartCount,IP:.status.podIP,IMAGE:.spec.containers[*].image"'
VALUES_SET: '--set postgresql.enabled=false --set zabbixServer.zabbixServerHA.enabled=true --set zabbixServer.replicaCount=1 --set --set postgresAccess.password=zabbix123'
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Kind
uses: helm/kind-action@v1
- name: Install Helm
run: |
curl -fsSL -o
chmod +x
- name: Create Namespace in Kind
run: |
kubectl create namespace zabbix
- name: Create simple postgresql database for testing
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix run postgres --image=postgres:16 --env="POSTGRES_PASSWORD=zabbix123" --env="POSTGRES_DB=zabbix" --env="POSTGRES_USER=zabbix" --port=5432
kubectl --namespace zabbix wait --for=condition=ready pod -l run=postgres --timeout=60s
kubectl --namespace zabbix expose pod postgres
- name: Run Helm install with HA and external DB (AppVersion)
run: |
helm install --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix ${{ env.VALUES_SET }} ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test CURRENT LTS
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
- name: Run helm uninstall and reset database
run: |
helm uninstall --wait zabbix --namespace zabbix
kubectl --namespace zabbix delete pod postgres
kubectl --namespace zabbix wait --for=delete pod -l run=postgres --timeout=60s
kubectl --namespace zabbix run postgres --image=postgres:16 --env="POSTGRES_PASSWORD=zabbix123" --env="POSTGRES_DB=zabbix" --env="POSTGRES_USER=zabbix" --port=5432
kubectl --namespace zabbix wait --for=condition=ready pod -l run=postgres --timeout=60s
- name: Run Helm install with version 6.0 LTS
run: |
helm install --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix --set zabbixImageTag=ubuntu-6.0-latest ${{ env.VALUES_SET }} ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test 6.0
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
- name: Run Helm upgrade with custom values (AppVersion)
run: |
helm upgrade --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix ${{ env.VALUES_SET }} ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test CURRENT LTS
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix
- name: Run Helm upgrade with version 7.2 non-LTS
run: |
helm upgrade --wait --namespace zabbix zabbix --set zabbixImageTag=ubuntu-7.2-latest ${{ env.VALUES_SET }} ./charts/zabbix
- name: Run helm test 7.2 non-LTS
run: |
kubectl --namespace zabbix get pods -o ${{ env.COLUMN_OPTIONS }}
helm test --namespace zabbix zabbix