The following website allows a user to sign up as a passenger to have access to reserve a seat on one of many trains that travels cross-country within Minnesota and stops in many locations/stations. As a passenger, they will be able to see other passengers aboard the same train and see the scheduled time of arrival as well as the current station the train is located at. This allows the passenger to properly time when to show up at the station.
Per the instructions we were required to implement certain features within our code and database that exemplifies the requirements. Such requirements have been sucessfully imeplemented and are on display through our deployment.
Passengers are required to be registered, and logged in to be allowed access to reservations. The server will check and validate whether the user is logged in and will either display a "profile" page or a "login" page dependent on the user login status.
* Must have at least one page that requires login
* Must include a login/logout capability and session management
For our untaught technology, we chose to utilize Date-and-time node package. This package gets, formats, and displays time; Future, past, and present. This package is utilized within the home page as well as displaying the estimated time of arrival of trains while comparing that time with the current time to accurately display the train schedule.
* Must have at least one untaught tech
These requirements have been fulfilled through our display of functional code and formatting.
* Web site must have both a desktop and a mobile design using Bootstrap or another CSS library
* Must include a MySQL database w/ a minimum of 3 tables, and some associations between them
* Must use Sequelize and the Sequelize Session Store
* All CRUD methods must be supported
* Must use Handlebars
* Must follow MVC architecture and good coding practices (indenting, comments, etc)
* Must follow good git practices (branching, merging etc...)
* Must be deployed to Heroku
MySQL Workbench
The following screenshots show application's appearance and functionality -
This website/application is covered under the MIT license.