All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/v1
Method | HTTP request | Description |
delete_dag_run | DELETE /dags/{dag_id}/dagRuns/{dag_run_id} | Delete a DAG run |
get_dag_run | GET /dags/{dag_id}/dagRuns/{dag_run_id} | Get a DAG run |
get_dag_runs | GET /dags/{dag_id}/dagRuns | List DAG runs |
get_dag_runs_batch | POST /dags/~/dagRuns/list | List DAG runs (batch) |
post_dag_run | POST /dags/{dag_id}/dagRuns | Trigger a new DAG run |
delete_dag_run(dag_id, dag_run_id)
Delete a DAG run
- Basic Authentication (Basic):
import time
import airflow_python_sdk
from airflow_python_sdk.api import dag_run_api
from airflow_python_sdk.model.error import Error
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost/api/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = airflow_python_sdk.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost/api/v1"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic
configuration = airflow_python_sdk.Configuration(
username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with airflow_python_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = dag_run_api.DAGRunApi(api_client)
dag_id = "dag_id_example" # str | The DAG ID.
dag_run_id = "dag_run_id_example" # str | The DAG run ID.
# example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
# Delete a DAG run
api_instance.delete_dag_run(dag_id, dag_run_id)
except airflow_python_sdk.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DAGRunApi->delete_dag_run: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dag_id | str | The DAG ID. | |
dag_run_id | str | The DAG run ID. |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
204 | No content success. | - |
400 | Client specified an invalid argument. | - |
401 | Request not authenticated due to missing, invalid, authentication info. | - |
403 | Client does not have sufficient permission. | - |
404 | A specified resource is not found. | - |
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DAGRun get_dag_run(dag_id, dag_run_id)
Get a DAG run
- Basic Authentication (Basic):
import time
import airflow_python_sdk
from airflow_python_sdk.api import dag_run_api
from airflow_python_sdk.model.dag_run import DAGRun
from airflow_python_sdk.model.error import Error
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost/api/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = airflow_python_sdk.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost/api/v1"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic
configuration = airflow_python_sdk.Configuration(
username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with airflow_python_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = dag_run_api.DAGRunApi(api_client)
dag_id = "dag_id_example" # str | The DAG ID.
dag_run_id = "dag_run_id_example" # str | The DAG run ID.
# example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
# Get a DAG run
api_response = api_instance.get_dag_run(dag_id, dag_run_id)
except airflow_python_sdk.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DAGRunApi->get_dag_run: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dag_id | str | The DAG ID. | |
dag_run_id | str | The DAG run ID. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Success. | - |
401 | Request not authenticated due to missing, invalid, authentication info. | - |
403 | Client does not have sufficient permission. | - |
404 | A specified resource is not found. | - |
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DAGRunCollection get_dag_runs(dag_id)
List DAG runs
This endpoint allows specifying ~
as the dag_id to retrieve DAG runs for all DAGs.
- Basic Authentication (Basic):
import time
import airflow_python_sdk
from airflow_python_sdk.api import dag_run_api
from airflow_python_sdk.model.error import Error
from airflow_python_sdk.model.dag_run_collection import DAGRunCollection
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost/api/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = airflow_python_sdk.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost/api/v1"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic
configuration = airflow_python_sdk.Configuration(
username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with airflow_python_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = dag_run_api.DAGRunApi(api_client)
dag_id = "dag_id_example" # str | The DAG ID.
limit = 100 # int | The numbers of items to return. (optional) if omitted the server will use the default value of 100
offset = 0 # int | The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set. (optional)
execution_date_gte = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') # datetime | Returns objects greater or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. (optional)
execution_date_lte = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') # datetime | Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period. (optional)
start_date_gte = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') # datetime | Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. (optional)
start_date_lte = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') # datetime | Returns objects less or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period. (optional)
end_date_gte = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') # datetime | Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. (optional)
end_date_lte = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') # datetime | Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period. (optional)
# example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
# List DAG runs
api_response = api_instance.get_dag_runs(dag_id)
except airflow_python_sdk.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DAGRunApi->get_dag_runs: %s\n" % e)
# example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
# and optional values
# List DAG runs
api_response = api_instance.get_dag_runs(dag_id, limit=limit, offset=offset, execution_date_gte=execution_date_gte, execution_date_lte=execution_date_lte, start_date_gte=start_date_gte, start_date_lte=start_date_lte, end_date_gte=end_date_gte, end_date_lte=end_date_lte)
except airflow_python_sdk.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DAGRunApi->get_dag_runs: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dag_id | str | The DAG ID. | |
limit | int | The numbers of items to return. | [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 100 |
offset | int | The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set. | [optional] |
execution_date_gte | datetime | Returns objects greater or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. | [optional] |
execution_date_lte | datetime | Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period. | [optional] |
start_date_gte | datetime | Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. | [optional] |
start_date_lte | datetime | Returns objects less or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period. | [optional] |
end_date_gte | datetime | Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. | [optional] |
end_date_lte | datetime | Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | List of DAG runs. | - |
401 | Request not authenticated due to missing, invalid, authentication info. | - |
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
DAGRunCollection get_dag_runs_batch(list_dag_runs_form)
List DAG runs (batch)
This endpoint is a POST to allow filtering across a large number of DAG IDs, where as a GET it would run in to maximum HTTP request URL length limit.
- Basic Authentication (Basic):
import time
import airflow_python_sdk
from airflow_python_sdk.api import dag_run_api
from airflow_python_sdk.model.error import Error
from airflow_python_sdk.model.list_dag_runs_form import ListDagRunsForm
from airflow_python_sdk.model.dag_run_collection import DAGRunCollection
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost/api/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = airflow_python_sdk.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost/api/v1"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic
configuration = airflow_python_sdk.Configuration(
username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with airflow_python_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = dag_run_api.DAGRunApi(api_client)
list_dag_runs_form = ListDagRunsForm(
) # ListDagRunsForm |
# example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
# List DAG runs (batch)
api_response = api_instance.get_dag_runs_batch(list_dag_runs_form)
except airflow_python_sdk.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DAGRunApi->get_dag_runs_batch: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
list_dag_runs_form | ListDagRunsForm |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Success. | - |
400 | Client specified an invalid argument. | - |
401 | Request not authenticated due to missing, invalid, authentication info. | - |
403 | Client does not have sufficient permission. | - |
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DAGRun post_dag_run(dag_id, dag_run)
Trigger a new DAG run
- Basic Authentication (Basic):
import time
import airflow_python_sdk
from airflow_python_sdk.api import dag_run_api
from airflow_python_sdk.model.dag_run import DAGRun
from airflow_python_sdk.model.error import Error
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost/api/v1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = airflow_python_sdk.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost/api/v1"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic
configuration = airflow_python_sdk.Configuration(
username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with airflow_python_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = dag_run_api.DAGRunApi(api_client)
dag_id = "dag_id_example" # str | The DAG ID.
dag_run = DAGRun(
) # DAGRun |
# example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
# Trigger a new DAG run
api_response = api_instance.post_dag_run(dag_id, dag_run)
except airflow_python_sdk.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DAGRunApi->post_dag_run: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dag_id | str | The DAG ID. | |
dag_run | DAGRun |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Success. | - |
400 | Client specified an invalid argument. | - |
401 | Request not authenticated due to missing, invalid, authentication info. | - |
409 | The resource that a client tried to create already exists. | - |
403 | Client does not have sufficient permission. | - |
404 | A specified resource is not found. | - |
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