- Collects Data from StackOverflow tags collection(language names, questions count, unanswered questions count)
- Polishes the data, counts the answered questions count and the percentage of answered questions of each language
- Using Google Charts, this app converts the collected raw data to virtualized charts( e.g. Tables, Pie Charts, Bar Charts)
- Git and GitHub for hosting project's files and making it available to everyone.
- Heroku for allowing the app to live online and be accessible by everyone.
- Node.JS for collecting and polishing data, making Charts and a server for Heroku.
- JavaScript for overall programming.
- HTML and CSS for designing Heroku server.
- StackOverflow's official REST API and Node.js Module.
- Request, Cheerio, json-server, node-async-loop Modules.
- JSON files for keeping data. ujhFJD
- Visit my project's Heroku page(https://stackoverflow-tags-collector.herokuapp.com/)
- Contribute my project it you have an idea to extend my project.