R package for simulating and fitting the Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model with correlated magnitudes.
I haven't yet set things up nicely for you to be able to download the package directly from Github using devtools
Currently to install the package you have to:
- download the source (this repo);
- open the project in RStudio;
- then build and install it yourself using (
Note that this will require the devtools
Rpackage in addition to one of Rtools, Xcode or r-base-dev depending on your operating system. See the relevant R packages book section for more details.
Any other viable method to build and install an R package from source should also work here (e.g. R CMD build at the command line.) for detailed instructions on building and installing R packages see Karl Broman's guide or Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan's book.