Course notes on effictive data sceience workflows. Hosted at
Postgradute courses in statistics and data science tend to focus almost exclusively on modelling. This is in spite of modelling being only a single component in a data science project. This oversight can often leave students unprepared to deliver end-to-end project, whether that is for their dissertation or when entering the workplace.
This course aims to address this shortcoming by guiding students in how to:
Effictively manage data sciene workflows
- Scope a data science project
- Organise the files and automate workflows
- Write and pacakge code that is human-friendly and clearly documented
Acquire and share data
- Be familiar with a range of tabular and non-tabular data files
- Obtain their own data via webscraping and APIs
Explore and visualise complex datasets
- Wrangle messy and non-tabular data
- Explore and visualise complex data
- Construct compelling narratives supported by data
- Target communication to a variety of stakeholders
Prepare for production
- Write reproducible analyses
- Explain and interpret transparent models
- Use meta-models to explain black-box models
- Identify barriers to scalability through code profiling
Assess the ethical impacts of data science projects
- Explain simple techniques to protect data subject privacy
- Assess fairness of data science models with respect to a protected characteristic
- Work within professional guidelines and codes of conduct
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## Development Ideas
- 1.2 is long - consider splitting into file names and file extensions.
- 1.3 is long - consider splitting or pulling out functional vs OOP sections.