Thanks to jcsalterego for the idea and who's already implemented the same thing for bash
- intended to search backups for histories and merge everything into 1 unique commands history for quick documentation
- multi line commands work
- use a new backup db when backing up to insure you don't pollute yours with broken commands
- remove the hist file you wanna restore to before writing to it to insure uniqueness
- maybe add some of these to your zshrc to further insure uniqueness (past 100k things can get quite slow so try to keep your total hist size below 50k)
#set history size
export HISTSIZE=100000 # this must come after sourcing oh-my-zsh!!!
#save history after logout
export SAVEHIST=1000000 # this must come after sourcing oh-my-zsh!!!
#history file
export HISTFILE=$HOME/.zsh_history
#append into history file
#save only one command if 2 common are same and consistent
#add timestamp for each entry
setopt HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST # Expire duplicate entries first when trimming history.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS # Don't record an entry that was just recorded again.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS # Delete old recorded entry if new entry is a duplicate.
setopt HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS # Do not display a line previously found.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE # Don't record an entry starting with a space.
setopt HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS # Don't write duplicate entries in the history file.
setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS # Remove superfluous blanks before recording entry.
- Simple python script that can backup and restore your zsh history file to a sqlite db
- Dedups commands, and prepends any commands that were in the db but not in the history file
- Accepts a max length parameter
- This does not truncate your existing file
- If max length is <= than the size of your existing file, no new commands will be added to your history file
- Otherwise, it will pull commands based on their timestamps until max length is reached
usage: ./src/ [-h] [-p PATH] [-d DBNAME] [-m MAXLINES] [-b] [-r]
Backup/Restore zsh history
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PATH, --path PATH path to ZSH history (default $HOME/.zsh_history)
-d DBNAME, --dbname DBNAME SQLite db path (default $HOME/.zsh_hist_backup.db)
-m MAXLINES, --maxlines MAXLINES max size of history file (default no limit)
-b, --backup
-r, --restore
./src/ -b
./src/ -r
- Just add the restore command to your ~/.zshrc file! (with the path from $HOME of course)
- I've scheduled a launchd task on my mac to push my db to git every evening. Here's a link to the scripts
Feedback and comments welcome!