WSFedIdp is basic WSFederation based Idp with client certificate authentication. It's based on passportjs and Auth0 wsfed node module. This Idp sample also exposes standard WSFederation metadata endpoint on /wsfed/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml.
The metadata endpoint can be used to connect this Idp with Auth0 using the standard ADFS connector in Auth0, enabling a handy scenario where corporate employees can sign into full echosystem of Auth0 enabled services by using their Smart cards.
Clone the repo to your local machine
git clone
To get the sample running in your demo environment, you would need following 3 certificates.
- A self-signed root certificate authority FabrikamRootCA
- An SSL Server auth certificate issued by FabrikamRootCA
- An SSL Client auth certificate issued by FabrikamRootCA
I used openssl to generate certificates which works on both Windows & Mac.
When running the commands below - they will pick up default values from openssl.cnfg file. You can chnage the default values in openssl.cnfg to suit your scenario. I have used 'Fabrikam Ltd' as the 'Organization Name' and 'Jon Smith' as employee.
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout FabrikamRootCA.key -out FabrikamRootCA.cer -config openssl.cnfg -extensions v3_ca -sha256
openssl genrsa -out 2048
Create a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR), using idp website key, to be sent to FabrikamRootCA to sign & issue a website SSL certificate
In the following step, make sure to enter 'Common Name' same as the domain name. For example,
openssl req -new -key -out -config openssl.cnfg -extensions server_cert -days 365 -sha256
Sign the CSR using the FabrikamRootCA key to generate website certificate
openssl x509 -req -in -CA FabrikamRootCA.cer -CAkey FabrikamRootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out -extfile openssl.cnfg -extensions server_cert -sha256
Now repeat the same steps to generate an SSL client certificate for [email protected]
openssl genrsa -out jon.key 2048
In the following step, enter employee name (Jon Smith) as the 'Common Name'
openssl req -new -key jon.key -out jon.csr -config openssl.cnfg -extensions usr_cert -days 365 -sha256
openssl x509 -req -in jon.csr -CA FabrikamRootCA.cer -CAkey FabrikamRootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out jon.cer -extfile openssl.cnfg -extensions usr_cert -sha256
Convert jon.key & jon.cer into pkcs12 (pfx) format by running following command. Choose a password to protect the private key. You would need this password when importing the certficate later on.
openssl pkcs12 -export -out jon.pfx -inkey jon.key -in jon.cer -certfile FabrikamRootCA.cer
Import the pfx file into your personal certificate store (login in Mac keychain).
On Mac, you can run following command. Substitue <PWD>
with your private key password.
security import jon.pfx -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain -P <PWD>
Import the CA certificate (FabrikamRootCA.cer) into Trusted Root Certificate Authorities (System Roots on Mac) folder in your cert store.
If you are on MAC, you can also use following command to import CA certificate into 'trusted root certificate store'. Thanks Sandrino(@sandrinodimattia)
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" ./FabrikamRootCA.cer
- Add a entry in your hostfile, mapping to
- Ping to make sure it's resolving to
- In your working (cloned) directory do:
npm install
- Followed by:
node .
- Open a browser and retrieve federation metadata document by typing following url and save it to a local file. You would need to import this into Auth0 as part connection settings.
- Login to Auth0 (or Sign up for trial) and open Apps/Api page from the left-hand menu
- Create a new app or select the existing "Default App" and switch to "Quick Start" tab
- Select Regular Web Application and then choose Node.js type and download the Seed Application
- From the left-menu, Click on Connections --> Enterprise and add a new connection for ADFS
- Specify details for the new connection and upload your Idp's Federation Metadata file into you connection settings
- Click Continue on the next page
- Copy the Endpoint URL from Connect ADFS with Auth0 page and set it as the auth0CallbackUrl value in settings.json file in your Idp directory
- Enable this new connection for your app in app settings
- On the Settings tab, add http://localhost:3000/callback to 'Allowed Callback URLs' textbox
- Stop & restart the Idp
node .
- Unzip the seed project zip file
- Configure your ClientID, Secret & Auth0_Domain in .env file
- Start the seed application
npm install
npm start
- Browse to http://localhost:3000 to run authentication flow
The following diagram captures the authentication request flow between sample application, WSFed Idp & Auth0...