drf-tracking provides a Django model and DRF view mixin that work together to log Django Rest Framework requests to the database. You'll get these attributes for every request/response cycle to a view that uses the mixin:
Model field name | Description | Model field type |
user |
User if authenticated, None if not | Foreign Key |
requested_at |
Date-time that the request was made | DateTimeField |
response_ms |
Number of milliseconds spent in view code | PositiveIntegerField |
path |
Target URI of the request, e.g., "/api/" |
CharField |
remote_addr |
IP address where the request originated (X_FORWARDED_FOR if available, REMOTE_ADDR if not), e.g., "" |
GenericIPAddressField |
host |
Originating host of the request, e.g., "example.com" |
URLField |
method |
HTTP method, e.g., "GET" |
CharField |
query_params |
Dictionary of request query parameters, as text | TextField |
data |
Dictionary of POST data (JSON or form), as text | TextField |
response |
JSON response data | TextField |
status_code |
HTTP status code, e.g., 200 or 404 |
PositiveIntegerField |
- Python 2.7
- Django (1.7, 1.8. 1.9)
- Django REST Framework (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Install using pip
$ pip install drf-tracking
Register with your Django project by adding rest_framework_tracking
list in your project's settings.py
Then run the migrations for the APIRequestLog
$ python manage.py migrate
Add the rest_framework_tracking.mixins.LoggingMixin
to any DRF view
to create an instance of APIRequestLog
every time the view is called.
For instance:
# views.py
from rest_framework import generics
from rest_framework_tracking.mixins import LoggingMixin
class LoggingView(LoggingMixin, generics.GenericAPIView):
def get(self, request):
return Response('with logging')
For performance enhancement, explicitly choose methods to be logged using logging_methods
class LoggingView(LoggingMixin, generics.CreateModelMixin, generics.GenericAPIView):
logging_methods = ['POST', 'PUT']
model = ...
Install testing requirements.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run with runtests.
$ ./runtests.py
You can also use the excellent tox testing tool to run the tests against all supported versions of Python and Django. Install tox globally, and then simply run:
$ tox
To build the documentation, you'll need to install mkdocs
$ pip install mkdocs
To preview the documentation:
$ mkdocs serve
Running at:
To build the documentation:
$ mkdocs build