New features and enhancements
Simplify camera transformations with the new Frame3d
-Feature from RoSys (#152 by @rodja , @angelom93 , @pascalzauberzeug )
Setup F15 and implement the D1 motor controller and the new Zed X Mini Stereo Camera (#167 , #168 by @Johannes-Thiel , @pascalzauberzeug , @LukasBaecker )
Follow Crops: Drive straight without crops (#158 by @pascalzauberzeug )
Distanced Reference Warning Dialog (#172 by @LukasBaecker , @pascalzauberzeug )
Allow recording weeding action in timelapse video (#155 by @rodja )
Update to rosys 0.16.1 (#179 by @pascalzauberzeug )
Make plant positions Point3d (#169 , #178 by @LukasBaecker , @pascalzauberzeug )
Move to new learning loop project and update detector (#181 , #184 by @pascalzauberzeug )
Upload Images via Mobile Switch (#166, #170 by @LukasBaecker )
Mode_indicator of GNS instead of the gps_qual from GGA sentence (#150 , #154 by @LukasBaecker )
Refactor to_dict of CalibratableUsbCamera (#171 by @pascalzauberzeug )
Add support for icecream (#153 by @rodja )
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