Faced with issue when I (or someone from familly) get used to local urls. And it's annoying for them to learn new urls every time I change configs / use new domain name / port. So as a workaround I decided to redirect them.
Eventually it must be replaced with static domain name and use local dns resolved that handle all of it.
Simple node aaplication with only one listener function that redicts to predirefined static url. Wrapped into docker container
cd into project directory
docker build -t redirect_app .
docker run \
-p 8666:80 \
--name redirect_test \
--restart=unless-stopped \
-e TARGET_URL=https://google.com \
-d zavodniuk/redirect_app
version: "3"
image: zavodniuk/redirect_app
container_name: redirect_deluge_app
restart: unless-stopped