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Add Board that holds white and black BoardOfColor
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zbyju committed Oct 7, 2024
1 parent 75236da commit 2685bdd
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Showing 3 changed files with 224 additions and 57 deletions.
28 changes: 26 additions & 2 deletions src/main/scala/Main.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,30 @@
import model.Board
import model.Coords
import model.PieceType
import model.Color

@main def hello: Unit =
val board =
// val board = Board.fromFENBoard("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR")
val board = Board.initial

val c1 = Coords.fromString("a2").get
val c2 = Coords.fromString("a1").get
val c3 = Coords.fromString("a8").get
val c4 = Coords.fromString("a7").get
val c5 = Coords.fromString("d4").get


board.setPiece(PieceType.Queen, Color.White, Coords.fromString("d7").get)
191 changes: 136 additions & 55 deletions src/main/scala/model/Board.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package model
import model.pieces.Tile
import scala.Nothing
import model.pieces.CharPiece
import scala.annotation.switch

/** The `Board` class represents a chess board in the context of a chess game.
Expand All @@ -22,69 +24,148 @@ import
* side's first rank; black's first rank is index at index 7. The files are
* indexed left to right.
class Board private (val board: Seq[Seq[Tile]] = initialBoard) {
case class Board(white: BoardOfColor, black: BoardOfColor)
extends BitBoardLike {

/** Note: the board needs to be printed in reverse so that black is on top and
* white on the bottom
override def toString(): String ="\n")
/** Get all occupied squares (by either color) */
def allPieces: BitBoard =

def sq(c: Coords): Tile = board(c.rank)(c.file)
def sq(str: String): Option[Tile] = Coords.fromString(str).map(sq(_))
/** Get BoardOfColor for specified color */
def boardByColor(color: Color): BoardOfColor = color match {
case Color.White => white
case Color.Black => black

/** The companion object `Board` provides factory methods for creating instances
* of the `Board` class. These factory methods may include variations for
* creating a board in the initial state, creating a board from a particular
* game notation (like FEN), or creating a copy of an existing board.
* This companion object helps in providing a flexible and intuitive interface
* for creating `Board` instances, while hiding internal implementation details
* of the `Board` class.
object Board {
def apply(b: Seq[Seq[Tile]] = initialBoard): Option[Board] = {
if (b.length != 8 || b.forall(r => r.length != 8)) None
else Some(new Board(b))
/** Get color of piece at position (if any) */
def colorAt(pos: Coords): Option[Color] = {
if (white.isOccupied(pos)) Some(Color.White)
else if (black.isOccupied(pos)) Some(Color.Black)
else None

def initialBoard: Seq[Seq[Tile]] = fromString("""rnbqkbnr

/** Builds the board from a string. Expects black pieces to be marked with
* lower case, white pieces with upper case.
* Pieces:
* Rook = R Knight = N Bishop = B Queen = Q King = K Pawn = P No piece = ' '
* The first line should be black's first rank (8th rank) and last line
* should be white's first rank (1st rank); ranks are separated using '\n'.
def fromString(str: String): Seq[Seq[Tile]] = {
str.length == 71 && str.forall(c => "\n prnbqk".contains(c.toLower))
str.split('\n').map(row => => Tile.fromChar(c))).reverse
// ************************************** SET **************************************

/** Set piece of specific color at position */
def setPiece(piece: PieceType, color: Color, pos: Coords): Board = {
// First remove any piece of either color at this position
val clearedBoard = reset(pos)
// Then set the new piece
color match {
case Color.White =>
clearedBoard.copy(white = clearedBoard.white.setPiece(piece, pos))
case Color.Black =>
clearedBoard.copy(black =, pos))

// ************************************* RESET *************************************

/** Reset (remove) any piece at position */
def reset(pos: Coords): Board = {
// Remove pieces of both colors at this position
val newWhite = PieceType.all.foldLeft(white)((b, p) => b.resetPiece(p, pos))
val newBlack = PieceType.all.foldLeft(black)((b, p) => b.resetPiece(p, pos))
Board(newWhite, newBlack)

/** Reset piece of specific color at position */
def resetPiece(piece: PieceType, color: Color, pos: Coords): Board = {
color match {
case Color.White =>
this.copy(white = this.white.resetPiece(piece, pos))
case Color.Black =>
this.copy(black =, pos))

def fromFEN(fen: String): Seq[Seq[Tile]] = fromFENBoard(fen.split(" ")(0))
// ************************************** GET **************************************

/** Get piece type at position (if any) */

override def getPositions: Seq[Coords] =

def getPieceAt(pos: Coords): PieceType = {
.find { pieceType =>
white.getPiece(pieceType, pos) || black.getPiece(pieceType, pos)

/** Get all pieces of a specific color */
def getPiecesByColor(color: Color): Seq[(PieceType, Coords)] = {
val board = boardByColor(color)
for {
pieceType <- PieceType.all
pos <- board.getPositionsByPieceType(pieceType)
} yield (pieceType, pos)

def fromFENBoard(fen: String) = fromString(
fen.flatMap(c =>
if (c == '/') "\n"
else if (c.isLetter) c.toString
else if (c.isDigit) " " * (c.toInt - '0'.toInt)
else ""
/** Get both color and piece type at position (if any) */
def getPieceAndColorAt(pos: Coords): Option[(PieceType, Color)] = {
val piece = getPieceAt(pos)
if (piece.isEmpty) return Option.empty
val color = colorAt(pos)

return Some(piece, color.get)

// ************************************* CHECK *************************************

override def isOccupied(position: BitPosition): Boolean =

// ************************************* COUNT *************************************

/** Get total number of pieces */
override def countPieces: Int = white.countPieces + black.countPieces

/** Get total number of pieces */
def countPiecesByPieceType(pieceType: PieceType): Int =
white.countPiecesByPieceType(pieceType) + black.countPiecesByPieceType(

// TODO: fromPGN
def fromPGNOnMove(fen: String, move: Int): Seq[Seq[Tile]] = ???
// ************************************* REST **************************************

/** Convert board to string representation */
override def toString: String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder
for (rank <- 7 to 0 by -1) {
sb.append(s"${rank + 1}|")
for (file <- 0 to 7) {
val pos = Coords(rank.toByte, file.toByte).get
val piece = getPieceAndColorAt(pos) match {
case Some((pieceType, color)) =>
case None => '.'
sb.append(s"$piece ")
sb.append(" |a b c d e f g h\n")

def toSeq: Seq[BitBoard] = white.toSeq ++ black.toSeq

object Board {

/** Create empty board */
def empty: Board = Board(BoardOfColor.empty, BoardOfColor.empty)

/** Create board with initial chess setup */
def initial: Board =
Board(BoardOfColor.initialWhite, BoardOfColor.initialBlack)

/** Create board from FEN string */
def fromFen(fen: String): Option[Board] = {
// TODO: Implement FEN parsing
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/model/Color.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package model

enum Color(white: Boolean) {
case White extends Color(true)
case Black extends Color(false)

def isWhite: Boolean = this.white

/** Get opposite color */
def opposite: Color = this match {
case White => Black
case Black => White

/** Convert to string representation */
override def toString: String = this match {
case White => "white"
case Black => "black"

/** Get starting rank for pawns */
def pawnRank: Int = this match {
case White => 1 // second rank (indexed from 0)
case Black => 6 // seventh rank

/** Get promotion rank for pawns */
def promotionRank: Int = this match {
case White => 7 // eighth rank
case Black => 0 // first rank

/** Get direction of forward movement */
def direction: Int = this match {
case White => 1 // moving up the board
case Black => -1 // moving down the board

/** Check if a rank is on home half of board */
def isHomeHalf(rank: Int): Boolean = this match {
case White => rank < 4
case Black => rank >= 4

object Color {

/** Create Color from character representation */
def fromChar(c: Char): Option[Color] = c.toLower match {
case 'w' => Some(White)
case 'b' => Some(Black)
case _ => None

def promotionRank(color: Color): Int = color match {
case White => 7
case Black => 0

/** Get both colors */
def all: Seq[Color] = Color.values.toSeq

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