Releases: zecwalletco/zecwallet-mobile
Releases · zecwalletco/zecwallet-mobile
Spam filters
- Spam filter is on by default
Orchard Support + Spam Options
- Add support for Orchard pool and UA addresses
- Add new options for spam
Sync improvements
Rollup all sync and performance improvements
Zecwallet Lite v1.7.13: Bugfix Release
- Fix issue with missing deposits
- Parse v5 txns
- Fix issue where syncs were happening over and over again
Zecwallet Lite v1.7.12: NU5 Bugfix
Fix issue where NU5 transactions weren't being sent
Zecwallet Mobile v1.7.8: Import and export
- Import t-address private keys
- Bug fixes
- Add option to manually shield funds
Zecwallet Mobile v1.7.7: Bugfix
- Fixes a bug where sometimes wallets were not saved
Zecwallet Mobile v1.7.6: Import / Export
- Allow import / export of private and viewing keys
- Add a new setting that allows download of all / wallet / no memos
Zecwallet Mobile v1.7.5: Maintenance release
This is a maintenance release of Zecwallet Mobile that contains bug fixes and performance improvements
Zecwallet Mobile v1.7.4: Large wallets
- Performance improvements and bug fixes
- Better support large wallets