[WIP] Extend synchronization points to leverage fixed-size units/fields #1948
Cirrus CI / clang18_lts_ubuntu_release
Dec 20, 2024 in 16m 53s
Task Summary
Instruction test_build failed in 12:08
✅ 00:04 clone
✅ 00:16 ccache
✅ 00:08 update_git
✅ 00:05 configure
✅ 03:48 build
❌ 12:08 test_build
* synchronized
[$xa=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $xb=(not set), $y=(not set), $z=(not set)]
* confirmed
[$xa=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $xb=(not set), $y=[$y1=b"ab", $y2=25444, $y3=101], $z=b"DONE"]
* synchronized
[$xa=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $xb=(not set), $y=(not set), $z=(not set)]
[$xa=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $xb=(not set), $y=[$y1=b"ab", $y2=25444, $y3=101], $z=b"DONE"]
[error] terminating with uncaught exception of type spicy::rt::ParseError: successful synchronization never confirmed: &requires failed: ($$ == b"123") (/tmp/cirrus-ci-build/tests/.tmp/spicy.types.unit.synchronize-fixed-size/synchronize-fixed-size.spicy:19:23-19:46)
* synchronized
[$xa=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $xb=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $y=(not set), $z=(not set)]
* confirmed
[$xa=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $xb=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $y=[$y1=b"ab", $y2=25444, $y3=101], $z=b"DONE"]
[$xa=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $xb=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $y=(not set), $z=(not set)]
[error] terminating with uncaught exception of type spicy::rt::ParseError: expected bytes literal "DONE" but input starts with "DO.E" (/tmp/cirrus-ci-build/tests/.tmp/spicy.types.unit.synchronize-fixed-size/synchronize-fixed-size.spicy:33:8-33:14)
== Diff ===============================
--- /dev/fd/63 2024-12-20 12:40:09.484199472 +0000
+++ /dev/fd/62 2024-12-20 12:40:09.485199470 +0000
@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
+[$xa=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $xb=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $y=(not set), $z=(not set)]
[$xa=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $xb=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $y=[$y1=b"ab", $y2=25444, $y3=101], $z=b"DONE"]
* synchronized
+[$xa=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $xb=(not set), $y=(not set), $z=(not set)]
* confirmed
[$xa=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $xb=(not set), $y=[$y1=b"ab", $y2=25444, $y3=101], $z=b"DONE"]
* synchronized
+[$xa=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $xb=(not set), $y=(not set), $z=(not set)]
[$xa=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $xb=(not set), $y=[$y1=b"ab", $y2=25444, $y3=101], $z=b"DONE"]
[error] terminating with uncaught exception of type spicy::rt::ParseError: successful synchronization never confirmed: &requires failed: ($$ == b"123") (<...>/synchronize-fixed-size.spicy:19:23-19:46)
* synchronized
+[$xa=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $xb=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $y=(not set), $z=(not set)]
* confirmed
[$xa=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $xb=[$x1=b"12.", $x2=(not set)], $y=[$y1=b"ab", $y2=25444, $y3=101], $z=b"DONE"]
+[$xa=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $xb=[$x1=b"123", $x2=b"45"], $y=(not set), $z=(not set)]
[error] terminating with uncaught exception of type spicy::rt::ParseError: expected bytes literal "DONE" but input starts with "DO.E" (<...>/synchronize-fixed-size.spicy:33:8-33:14)
% cat .stderr
�[1;33m--- End diagnostics (complete test output in 'btest-tmp')�[0m
�[1;31m### Tests have failed�[0m
�[1;35m### Checking docs ...�[0m
/tmp/cirrus-ci-build/doc/development/doxygen.rst:6: WARNING: broken link: ../_static/doxygen/index.html ()
make: *** [Makefile:56: check] Error 1