Coffee machine v2 source code. Check for info.
The dummy environment (automatically chosen if architecture != armv6l) allows for simulating the coffee machine on a desktop computer. The following buttons can be used to control it:
- w, q: state switch buttons
- 1,2,3,4,5: number buttons
- space bar: start button
- Ctrl + C in the terminal (sometimes needed twice :-)): quit
Check the defaults directory.
- Most texts and variables were originally written in Dutch. Some are already translated to English.
- In an initial version, the MPD client connected to an MPD server on the Pi itself, while the files were accessed over CIFS/SMB. Currently, it connects to an MPD server on a different computer, and uses snapserver/snapclient to play music in sync on both computers. Code for both still is in the repository.
Read for the background and the neccesary files
- software/ is public domain, unknown licence (from
- firmware/twi* is licenced under 'GNU General Public Licence'
- all other code is either mine or very trivial, and published under GPLv3