Fetch scripts for retrieving screen data from the OMERO IDR project - http://idr-demo.openmicroscopy.org.
is used to download all metadata for a screen. The output is a tab delimited flat file of all metadata fields (including annotations) and each associated well image.
Annotations are retrieved from the OMERO API as key-value pairs and transformed into columns in the resulting data set.
This simple structure allows the data to be used with other applications.
is then used to retrieve all images using the OMERO id.
Currently based on the public endpoints at http://idr-demo.openmicroscopy.org and so does not yet include functionality to authenticate against a secure server.
Use pip to install requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Fetches metadata for a screen and saves it as a tab separated file
$ python3 fetch_omero_data.py --id 102
id [required]: the unique identifier of the screen
output: File name of the tab delimited flat file (default idr.tab)
url: URL of the OMERO server (default http://idr-demo.openmicroscopy.org)
Fetches images for a screen
$ python3 fetch_omero_images.py --output images
output [required]: Path to the directory where the images will be saved
data: Path to the tab delimited flat file generated by fetch_omero_data.py
(default idr.tab)
url: URL of the OMERO server (default http://idr-demo.openmicroscopy.org)