Releases: zellotec/authentication
Releases · zellotec/authentication
1.0.0 (2017-04-06)
Bug Fixes
- authentication: typo (6d315af)
- authentication: write dataExtra (2e0d4d6)
- http.adapter: adicionando retorno :any ao método buildParams, para permitir a sobrescrita (a4853f2)
- httpAdapter: merge requestOptions default (57eaf33)
- httpAdapter: result callback resolve and reject (2268bc5)
- httpAdapter: return to class with inheritance (5859c77)
- httpAdapter: run promise result how callback (1297354)
- httpAdapter: send params GET and POST (a2e0bb5)
- httpTwoLevelsAdapter: failure promise (1d0b96b)
- httpTwoLevelsAdapter: order setOptions (c1b28de)
- httpTwoLevelsAdapter: preRequestCallback interface (5459196)
- httpTwoLevelsAdapter: set id to option (a7ccc72)
- localstorage: fix clear data (731c7ea)
- localstorage: fix compare emtpy null string (6e343d1)
- module: definitions providers (441c30d)
- module: initialize modules with data type (ac27db3)
- module: initialize provider how useClass (64ed6fe)
- authentication: implementation dataExtra to persist acessToken, refreshToken etc... (8f76bab)
- httpAdapter: add resolve how optional (d186854)
- httpAdapter: check if return callResult success and failure is promise (03c9be3)
- httpAdapter: implementation with timeout (6d7391e)
- httpAdapter: serialize params how UrlSearchParams (40b2a5c)
- httpAdapter: set method with resolve.getMethod() (2c10f51)
- httpAdapterTwoLevels: add implementation initial (73c2012)
- httpAdapterTwoLevels: implements set request options (ffe9f57)
- httpAdapterTwoLevels: set method (35ba339)
- httpAdapterTwoLevsl: add request options to http (85e9ea0)
- httpTwoLevelsAdapter: add set headers (5fa0e28)
- httpTwoLevelsAdapter: implements preRequestCallback to called of function before (5d7bc30)
- module: add providers storage in modules (c228b1a)
- module: add structure module initial (d819117)
- storage: add namespace to storages (1ed03bc)