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Documentation for new module support infrastructure
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zcwilt committed Jul 29, 2024
1 parent 6f72d44 commit 485f789
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Showing 8 changed files with 332 additions and 0 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions content/dev/modules/
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: Modules Infrastructure
description: New modules infrastructure
weight: 100
layout: docs

{{% alert title="Warning" color="warning" %}}
The documentation in this section is Work in progress and relates to features that might not be available yet.
{{% /alert %}}

# Introduction

In order to make it easier and quicker to write modules(Payment/Shipping/Order Totals) a new infrastructure for these modules has been created.

This new infrastructure will reduce the amount of boilerplate code required, minimize copy/paste coding and adds helpers for common coding requirements.

{{% alert title="Note" color="primary" %}}
Previous Payment/Shipping/Order total modules will continue to work without modification.
{{% /alert %}}
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions content/dev/modules/base/
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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
title: Base Module Support
weight: 10
layout: docs

{{% alert title="Warning" color="warning" %}}
The documentation in this section is Work in progress and relates to features that might not be available yet.
{{% /alert %}}

# Introduction

The base module support classes contain common code that is used across all module types e.g Payments, Shipping and Order Total modules.

It also provides some common helper methods that you can use in you modules.

## Accessing Define Values

All module types store information about themselves in the database `configuration` table.

The `keys` for this table will look something like


The structure of these defines is

MODULE_[module type]\_[module name]\_[define name]

where module type is one of `PAYMENT` or `SHIPPING` or `ORDERTOTAL`

The module name is taken from the $code class variable of the module, and the define name describes the purpose of the define.

In previous version of Zen Cart,these configuration values were accessed directly using the key that was stored in the database, however using
the new module support classes we access them through a helper method.

e.g In legacy code we might have done

`$this->sort_order = defined('MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_SORT_ORDER') ? MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_SORT_ORDER : null;`

With the new infratructure we can simply do

`$this->sort_order = $this->getDefine('SORT_ORDER);`

The `getDefine` method is context aware, so knows which type of module you are using(PAYMENT/SHIPPING/ORDERTOTAL) and the current define name (e.g. COD) for
the module you are using.

Furthermore, you can also set a value that will be returned from the method if the configuration value does not exist.

In the example above, the method will return `null` if the `MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_SORT_ORDER` does not exist.

However you could also do `$this->sort_order = $this->getDefine('SORT_ORDER, 0);`

and the method will return `0`, if the configuration value does not exist.

There are also a number of helper methods to get some of the most common module configuration keys.

### getTitle

This gets the title for the Module.

It looks for defines with suffixes in an array of ['TITLE', 'TEXT_TITLE', 'CATALOG_TITLE']

If your module uses a different define for the title then you should override the getTitle method.

### getAdminTitle

This returns a title to display on the Admin interface. In general this would be the same as the getTitle as above, but sometimes you may want it to be different.
It expects to be passed a default title, which would normally be what the getTitle function returns, ans will use this if it does not find a define related to the admin title.

This function looks for defines with a suffix in an array ['TITLE_ADMIN', 'TEXT_TITLE_ADMIN', 'ADMIN_TITLE']

If your admin title is defined through other means, them you will need to override this method in your module.

### getDescription

returns a module define with the suffix `DESCRIPTION`

### getSortOrder

returns a module define with the suffix `SORT_ORDER`

### getZone

returns a module define with the suffix `ZONE`

### getDebugMode#

returns a module define with the suffix `DEBUG_MODE`

### isEnabled

This function checks to see if the module is enabled.

it first checks to see if the module has any missing configuraitions and then check the module define suffix `STATUS`

### moduleAutoloadSupportClasses

This function is only called if it exists.

It allows a module to add autoload classes using the psr4autoaload Aura autoload.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions content/dev/modules/base/configurationerrors/
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: Module Configuration Errors
weight: 100
layout: docs

{{% alert title="Warning" color="warning" %}}
The documentation in this section is Work in progress and relates to features that might not be available yet.
{{% /alert %}}

# Introduction

56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions content/dev/modules/base/languagedefines/
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
title: Module Language defines
weight: 120
layout: docs

{{% alert title="Warning" color="warning" %}}
The documentation in this section is Work in progress and relates to features that might not be available yet.
{{% /alert %}}

# Introduction

Language define files for modules follow the same format as normal language defines.

They are stored in `includes/languages/{language}/modules/` and at the very least should have an english translation.





Like module configuration keys, naming of module language defines are the same

`MODULE_[module type]\_[module name]\_[define name]`

There are some other rules.

language define names should be unique and not match any other module configuration defines.

At a minimum you should provide the following

'TEXT_TITLE' => 'Stripe Checkout',

'TEXT_DESCRIPTION' => '<strong>Stripe Pay</strong>',


$define = [
'MODULE_PAYMENT_STRIPE_PAY_TEXT_DESCRIPTION' => '<strong>Stripe Pay</strong>',
return $define;

Note: also if you want to provide a different tiile in the admin interface you can add something like


96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions content/dev/modules/base/logging/
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
title: Module Logging
weight: 120
layout: docs

{{% alert title="Warning" color="warning" %}}
The documentation in this section is Work in progress and relates to features that might not be available yet.
{{% /alert %}}

# Introduction

All modules have access to a new logging infrastructure.

This logging infrastructure uses monolog as the log provider.

It provides 3 log handlers

- File logging
- Console logging
- Email Logging

To log something in a module you can do

`$this->logger->log($logLevel, $message, $context)`

$logLevel is based on the standard log levels that PSR/log supports.


class LogLevel
const EMERGENCY = 'emergency';
const ALERT = 'alert';
const CRITICAL = 'critical';
const ERROR = 'error';
const WARNING = 'warning';
const NOTICE = 'notice';
const INFO = 'info';
const DEBUG = 'debug';

$context is not required but if passed, should be an array of values.

## File logging

This logs the message and context(if passed) to a file.

Logs all messages with a level of `debug` or higher.

The file name that is used is determined as follows.

A prefix will be generated based on the log channel, which is based on the module type.

e.g. payment/shipping/order_total.

The code of the module is then added.

e.g. `flat` or `paypal` etc.

following this a string will be added based on whether the code generating the log is either admin or storefront code.

The log file name will then be suffixed with the current date using a format that means logs will be aggregated daily.

### For logs generated by Admin code.

This will be prefixed with `admin-`

and the current session admin id will be added if applicable.

Then if the code generating the error references an order, the order id will be added.

### For logs generated by store front code.

This will be prefixed with `store-`

Then if a customer id is available in the context of the log then the customer id, and a partial customer first name and last name will be added to the log file name.

## Console Logging

This will log the error message and context(if passed) to the javascript console.

So will be viewable using your browsers developer console.

Logs all messages with a level of `debug` or higher.

## Email Logging

This will send an email to the email address of the store owner. Currently there is no way to change this but that might change in the future.

Logs all messages with a level of `error` or higher.

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions content/dev/modules/order_totals/
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: Order Totals Modules
weight: 140
layout: docs

{{% alert title="Warning" color="warning" %}}
The documentation in this section is Work in progress and relates to features that might not be available yet.
{{% /alert %}}

# Introduction
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions content/dev/modules/payment/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: Payment Modules
weight: 100
layout: docs

{{% alert title="Warning" color="warning" %}}
The documentation in this section is Work in progress and relates to features that might not be available yet.
{{% /alert %}}

# Introduction
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions content/dev/modules/shipping/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: Shipping Modules
weight: 120
layout: docs

{{% alert title="Warning" color="warning" %}}
The documentation in this section is Work in progress and relates to features that might not be available yet.
{{% /alert %}}

# Introduction

In order to make it easier and quicker to write modules(Payment/Shipping/Order Totals) a new infrastructure for these modules has been created.

This new infrastructure will reduce the amount of boiler plate code required, minimize copy/paste coding and adds helpers for common coding requirements.

{{% alert title="Note" color="primary" %}}
Previous Payment/Shipping/Order total modules will continue to work without modification.
{{% /alert %}}

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