Zemplate is a bare-bones WordPress theme that keeps BEM on the brain to act as a starting point for theme devleopers.
Free of all presentational elements and non-semantic markup, Zemplate is the perfect 'blank slate' for your WordPress projects.
Best of all: it's free and fully GPL-licensed, so you can use it for whatever you like — even your commercial projects.
Breakpoint mixins and others may prove useful to some and useless to others, we just utilize most of these lil' guys in our everyday work. Comment out, destroy, enhance and collaborate to your will. Your feedback is welcome.
For more information on the company that maintains Zemplate, see the Zenman website: http://www.zenman.com
Version 3.5.2 - @corinne - 17.06.22
- Removed foundation since it's not used
Version 3.4.2 - @tcmulder - 15.12.30
- Updated zemplate-functions.php to eliminate warnings.
Version 3.4.1 - @tcmulder - 15.12.29
- Updated styles.scss to reflect changes in 3.4.0
Version 3.4.0 - @magnificode - 15.07.21
- Modify SASS folder structure to include views
Version 3.3.0 for WP4.2.2
- Upgrades to foundation 5
- Upgrades Normalize
- Utilizes atomic (or galactic) folder structure
- Adds a few new mixins for things like basic WP navigation
- Adds sticky footer mixin
Version 3.0.0 for WP3.8, updated 01.07.2014
Version 2.1.0 for WP3.4.1 updated 12.8.2012
♥ Zenman dev team