A collection of all RunUO custom scripts I've developed, most of them Plug & Play.
Just navigate through the folders to get details of each script.
All scripts are released under GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html).
AFK Command [ProTag Extension]
Let people around know you are AFK. [Exemplify the use of ProTags]
AddToParty Command
Allows players to add new party members from anywhere.
Age System
And what if the characters could get older over time?
Alt Command
Easily alternates, between True or False, one or more property by name of a targeted object.
Auto Ignite Lights
Automatically ignites all game lights when night comes, and douse them at the morning.
Auto Sheathe Weapon
Automatically sheathes or unsheathes player's weapon when they change warmode.
ChangeSeason Command
Changes the current season of all facets to the specified one.
Chat Initializer
Auto opens the old chat client (UO 5.x / 6.x) on player login.
ClearOtherFacets Command
Helps to keep the world clean if you use only one facet in your shard.
GameTime Gold Reward
Reward your players with gold for being online.
Global Bulletin Board (Incomplete)
Attempt to make something like an in-game forum.
Global Donation Box
Encourage the donation of items between your players.
Kudos - Exchangeable Game Time Reward
An item given to players for each period of time they stay online.
Look Command
Make a better use of the profile system.
Number of Followers based on Intelligence
Player's max number of followers based on intelligence.
Play Music On Login
Plays a specific or random music for players on login.
ProTag - PlayerMobile Tag-Based Properties
Plug & Play System to save custom PlayerMobile properties.
Running Fatigue
Plug & Play system to make players get tired while running.
Shard Statistics
Collects and displays shard statistics. You can also use them on custom scripts.
Staff level under character's name
Easy way to show your players who is officially a staff member
RunUO Homepage: http://runuo.com
My RunUO Profile: Felladrin
If you like my scripts, please consider flattring this repository :)