This is where history is made...
Plants from all over the world can breathe a sigh of relief...
There will no longer be a situation in which the owner forgets about watering...
And all this thanks to our application...
Many functions and the a user-friendly interface will make it a pleasure to use.
And there's nothing better than combining duty with pleasure, right?
- Zuzanna Furtak -
- Jolanta Śliwa -
The application was created in Python
using KivyMD
, Kivy
, SQLite
and is meant to be used on a mobile phone.
- Firstly you need to create an account, which is stored in a database.
- If you already have an account, ypu need to log in.
- You can change your profile photo and some preferencies like theme (light or dark) and hour of receiving notifications
- All of the preferiences are linked to your profile and saved.
- Level oints are got by watering your plants, to gain a level and a title e.g. plant begineer, water-can specialist
- Gaining level depends on the quantity of plants.
- To add a plant, you need to go to the Plant catalog and choose proper species.
- If your species is not there, you can send a form with its name to the support, by clicking on the question mark icon on the bottom of the screen.
- While adding a plant, you can set its name, location, notes and later also change its photo.
- On the Start screen you can see a calendar card with plants, that have to be watered on this day.
- The calendar card can be changed to following days to check which plants will need watering then.
- If you miss watering a plant, it stays on the start screen the following day with a special icon (water drop).
- If your plant has not been watered for a whole cycle, the icon changes to a skull. (e.g. if a ficus needs to be watered every 7 days and you are 8 days late with watering, the skull icon will show up)
- You can water all plants, which need it by clicking a water can icon on the bottom of the Start screen (the icon is visible only on the current day).
- Each plant can be also watered by clicking on its profile (from Start screen or My plants screen).
- If you water a plant too early (e.g. 2 days before the actual date) watering days are changed to the new schedule.
Below you can find a short gif showing demo of using the app with some of its functionalities:
The game was created for "Python Language" course on AGH UST.