Check the weather around you and all over the world at a glance. Rely on the accurate weather forecast and adjust your schedule to the weather coming in. You won’t even have to look out the window as the app will make you feel like you are already outside!
Weather is sometimes difficult to predict. This accurate weather app allows to find out a detailed forecast wherever you are, for any time of the day by tapping on the icons:
- Current and “Feels like” temperature
- Wind speed and direction
- Pressure and precipitation information
- Sunrise/sunset time
- Weather Radar & Rain maps
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
val CITY: String = "khulna,bd"
val API: String= "bb9f38871e6eaeb785f75bc764dca4f8"
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
inner class WeatherTask() : AsyncTask<String, Void, String>() {
override fun onPreExecute() {
/* Showing the ProgressBar, Making the main design GONE */
// onPreExecuteis an AsyncTask mehod
findViewById<ProgressBar>( = View.VISIBLE
findViewById<RelativeLayout>( = View.GONE
findViewById<TextView>( = View.GONE
override fun doInBackground(vararg params: String?): String? {
var response:String?
// we create a http request to the API url.
// if we want to get current city through lat and lang we need to get let and lang and use in api url
// response = URL("$LAT&lon=$LON&units=metric&appid=$API").readText(
// Charsets.UTF_8
// )
response = URL("$CITY&units=metric&appid=$API")
.readText( Charsets.UTF_8)
}catch (e: Exception){
response = null
return response
//Then the response from the url will be passed to the onPostExecute(Result).
override fun onPostExecute(result: String?) {
try {
/* Extracting JSON returns from the API */
//api passes weather information in JSON format, we’ll extract the data so that we can
// later set the extracted data for our views
//Inside this main object say, "weather" is an array cause its elements are
// inside a square bracket. So to get its data we can use val weather = jsonObj.getJSONArray("weather")
// look this:
//extracted our necessary weather information
val jsonObj = JSONObject(result)
val main = jsonObj.getJSONObject("main")
val sys = jsonObj.getJSONObject("sys")
val wind = jsonObj.getJSONObject("wind")
val weather = jsonObj.getJSONArray("weather").getJSONObject(0)
val updatedAt:Long = jsonObj.getLong("dt")
val sunrise:Long = sys.getLong("sunrise")
val sunset:Long = sys.getLong("sunset")
val updatedAtText = "Updated at: "+ SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm a", Locale.ENGLISH).format(Date(updatedAt*1000))
val address = jsonObj.getString("name")+", "+sys.getString("country")
val temp = main.getString("temp")+"°C"
val pressure = main.getString("pressure")
val humidity = main.getString("humidity")
val tempMin = "Min " + main.getString("temp_min")+"°C"
val tempMax = "Max " + main.getString("temp_max")+"°C"
val windSpeed = wind.getString("speed")
val weatherDescription = weather.getString("description")
/* Populating extracted data into our views */
findViewById<TextView>( = address
findViewById<TextView>( = updatedAtText
findViewById<TextView>( = weatherDescription.capitalize()
findViewById<TextView>( = temp
findViewById<TextView>( = tempMin
findViewById<TextView>( = tempMax
//why we multiply 1000 ?
findViewById<TextView>( = SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a", Locale.ENGLISH).format(Date(sunrise*1000))
findViewById<TextView>( = SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a", Locale.ENGLISH).format(Date(sunset*1000))
findViewById<TextView>( = windSpeed
findViewById<TextView>( = pressure
findViewById<TextView>( = humidity
/* Views populated, Hiding the loader, Showing the main design */
findViewById<ProgressBar>( = View.GONE
findViewById<RelativeLayout>( = View.VISIBLE
} catch (e: Exception) {
findViewById<ProgressBar>( = View.GONE
findViewById<TextView>( = View.VISIBLE
Created by Aminul Islam Niloy