A multiphysical modeling approach [1] has been employed to simulate the selected laser sintering (SLS) process (a kind of L-PBF) for a single layer of particles. A discrete element approach [1] was implemented using CUDA to model particle-to-particle and particle-to-wall mechanical and thermal interactions. The modeling approach can be characterized in two parts: (1) dynamic simulation of the deposition of the powder particles; (2) thermal simulation of the temperature evolution of the particles after a single pass of a laser beam. The implementation detail and numerical experiments are described in the report. A shorter presentation is in the slides. This project won the final project competition.
Successful on Linux platform with gcc 6.4.0 and nvcc 9.0.
On Linux PC
>> cd dynamics/
>> make -f makefile-pc clean
>> make -f makefile-pc
On Euler (a multi-core supercomputer cluster)
>> cd dynamics/
>> make -f makefile-euler clean
>> make -f makefile-euler
CPU version
>> ./cpu_dynamic
CUDA version
>>> ./gpu_dynamic
Both CPU and GPU version will
output particle radius to radius.txt
output particle initial velocity to vxyzs0.txt
output particle initial position to xyzs0.txt
output particle final velocity to vxyz.txt
output particle final position to xyzs.txt
Successful on Linux platform with gcc 6.4.0 and nvcc 9.0.
On Linux PC
>> cd thermal/
>> make -f makefile-pc clean
>> make -f makefile-pc
On Euler (a multi-core supercomputer cluster)
>> cd thermal/
>> make -f makefile-euler clean
>> make -f makefile-euler
CPU version
>> ./cpu_thermal <test_type>
CUDA version
>>> ./gpu_thermal <test_type>
test_type = 1: load xyzs.txt and radius.txt from infiles/
test_type = 2: initialize particle position and radius randomly
CPU version will output temperatures of final time step to outfiles/temperatures.txt
GPU version will output temperatures of final time step to outfiles/temperatures_cuda.txt
When test_type = 2, both CPU and GPU version will also output outfiles/xyzs_after.txt and outfiles/radius_after.txt which are the particle positions and radiuses initialized randomly.
[1] Rishi Ganeriwala and Tarek I Zohdi. A coupled discrete element-finite difference model of selective lasersintering. Granular Matter, 18 (2):21, 2016.