Sentry Logs allows you to send Logs to Sentry, only Nginx error log is currently supported, but I'm planning to extend the library to support more logs file.
To install sentrylogs you can use pip or easy_install::
pip install sentrylogs
easy_install sentrylogs
This will install the module and you will have a new command line available::
sentrylogs -h
usage: sentrylogs [-h] [--follow FOLLOW] [--sentrydsn SENTRYDSN] [--daemonize]
[--nginxerrorpath NGINXERRORPATH]
Send logs to Django Sentry.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--follow FOLLOW, -f FOLLOW
Which logs to follow, default ALL (for now only ALL is available)
The Sentry DSN string
--daemonize, -d Run this script in background
Nginx error log path
you must provide a Sentry DSN to make it works; at this moment you have 2 possibilities:
set up an environment variable:
$ export SENTRY_DSN="protocol://public:[email protected]/#" $ sentrylogs
or use the --sentrydsn argument:
$ sentrylogs --sentrydsn "protocol://public:[email protected]/#"
By defauld it will seach for nginx log at /var/log/nginx/error.log, but you can change it using --nginxerrorpath
If you use --daemonize the command will daemonize itself and will run in background.