antgo is a machine learning experiment manage platform, which has been integrated deeply with MLTalker. antgo provides some easy cli commands to help ML researchers to manage, analyze, and challenge all kinds of ML tasks.
Based on amounts of statistical evaluation methods, antgo could give a fruitful evaluation report, which help researchers analyze and trade-off their model.
Antgo tutorial is at MLTalker Blog.
install 3rd software or packages:
1. install rocksdb sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev git clone cd rocksdb/ make shared_lib export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=${CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH}:`pwd`/include export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:`pwd` export LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBRARY_PATH}:`pwd` cd .. 2. install ipfs ( wget -q chmod +x ./ 3. install graphviz ( sudo apt-get install graphviz
install antgo:
1. git clone 2. cd antgo 3. pip install -r requirements.txt 4. python build_ext install
Register in MLTalker.
All user experiment records would be managed by MLTalker in user's personal page.
1.step Apply Task from
/**********************************************************************************/ /******************** enter antgo cli *******************/ /**********************************************************************************/ antgo --token=<your token> /**********************************************************************************/ /*************** list all public and your created private tasks *****************/ /*** id name time dataset applicants ****/ /*** 3 *** 2018-03-21 19:34:48 *** 1 ****/ /*** ... ****/ /**********************************************************************************/ apply /**********************************************************************************/ /************* apply your interest task ***************/ /**********************************************************************************/ apply --id=... /**********************************************************************************/ /************************ list all your applied tasks **************************/ /*** id name time dataset experiments token ****/ /*** 3 *** 2018-03-21 19:08:08 *** 1 6ebb7***24743e1a ****/ /*** ... ****/ /**********************************************************************************/ task /**********************************************************************************/ /********************* list all experiments in your task *********************/ /*** id name time optimum report model ****/ /*** 7 20180322.115607.896376 2018-03-22 11:56:07 0 0 0 ****/ /*** ... ****/ /**********************************************************************************/ task --id=...
2.step Run Train Task:
(1) build running main file (eg. from antgo.context import * from antgo.dataflow.common import * # 1.step ctx take control interaction with antgo ctx = Context() # 2.step build visualization channel # curve channel loss_channel = ctx.job.create_channel("loss","NUMERIC") # histogram channel histogram_channel = ctx.job.create_channel("Layer1-activation-histogram",'HISTOGRAM') # build chart (bind multi-channels) ctx.job.create_chart([loss_channel],"Loss Curve", "step", "value") ctx.job.create_chart([histogram_channel], "Weight","value","frequence") # 3.step custom training process def training_callback(data_source,dump_dir): # data_source: data generator # dump_dir: save your training intermidiate data # 3.1 step stack batch stack_batch = BatchData(Node.inputs(data_source, batch_size=16) # 3.2 step running some epochs iter = 0 for epoch in range(ctx.params.max_epochs): for data, label in stack_batch.iterator_value(): # run once iterator loss, weight = your_training_model(data, label) # send running information # 1. loss value loss_channel.send(x=iter, y=loss) # 2. activation histogram histogram_channel.send(x=iter, y=weight) # 4.step custom infer process def infer_callback(data_source, dump_dir): # data_source: data generator # dump_dir: your training intermidiate data folder # 4.1 step load your custom model ... # 4.2 step traverse data and do forward process for data in data_source.iterator_value(): # forward process ... # record result ctx.recorder.record(result) # 5.step bind training_callback and infer_callback ctx.training_process = training_callback ctx.infer_process = infer_callback (2) call antgo cli at terminal antgo run --main_param=challenge_task.yaml --token=<task token>
3.step Run Challenge Task:
(1) build running main file (eg. from antgo.context import * # 1.step ctx take control interaction with antgo ctx = Context() # 2.step custom infer process def infer_callback(data_source, dump_dir): # data_source: data generator # dump_dir : your training intermidiate data folder # 2.1 step load custom model ... # 2.2 step traverse data and do forward process for data in data_source.iterator_value(): # forward process ... # record result ctx.recorder.record(result) # bind infer_callback ctx.infer_process = infer_callback (2) call antgo cli at terminal antgo challenge --main_param=challenge_task.yaml --token=<task token>