The code is created based on the method described in the following paper
[1] Zheng, Qingqing, Fengyuan Zhu, and Pheng-Ann Heng. "Robust Support Matrix Machine for Single Trial EEG Classification." IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26.3 (2018): 551-562.
The code and the algorithm are for non-comercial use only.
Author: Qingqing Zheng ([email protected])
Date : 07/09/2018
Version : 1.0
Copyright 2018, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
This folder contains the following files:
RSMM.pdf : The paper
libqp : library for quadratic programming
binary_rsmm_demo.m : a demo for binary matrix classification
multi_rsmm_demo.m : a demo for multiclass matrix classification
SparLR_ADMM.m : the robust support matrix machine (Algorithm 1 in paper)
rpca.m : feature recovery in paper
shrinkage.m : proximal operator for low rank
multi_prediction.m : multiclass evaluation