fastaValitator is a fast validator for FASTA files. It is implemented by Rust and used in GenBase SARS-CoV-2 submission pipeline.
This program can run at any Linux distribution theoretically, but we only test it on Ubuntu(WSL) and CentOS 7.
- Unique Sequence ID.
- Sequence_ID's may contain only the following characters - letters, digits, hyphens "-", underscores "_".
- Max length of Sequence ID is 23.
- Sequence length must be 50 - 30,000 bases, and <50% Ns, excluding terminal Ns which will be trimmed automatically, and the inside of the sequence cannot contain horizontal lines "-" (some of which are inserted after the software is run).
- Only A,T,C,G and degenerative nucleotides are permitted.
- Percentage of unknown nucleotide (N/n) should be less than 50%.
- Sequence should not be starts or ends with "N" or "n"
seqid organism genetic_code moltype topology strand >ssss Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 1 genomic RNA linear single >ssss Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 1 genomic RNA linear single >eq4 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 1 genomic RNA linear single >Beijing-3107-2022 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 1 genomic RNA linear single >Beijing-AAA-2022 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 1 genomic RNA linear single >asdf Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 1 genomic RNA linear single >asdf Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 1 genomic RNA linear single
+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Error_type | Message | +============+===============================================================================================================================================================+ | Nucleotide | Found invalid 'N' at start of sequence '>ssss'. It should not start with 'N' or 'n' | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Nucleotide | Found invalid '>' at sequence(seqid:'>Beijing-AAA-2022'). This symbol is not allowed in the sequence. Please check whether the new-line character is missing. | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sequence | For SARS-CoV-2 submission, sequence length must be between 50 and 30000. SeqLength of '>Beijing-AAA-2022' is 39852 | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Defline | Found duplicated sequence id: '>ssss' | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Defline | Found duplicated sequence id: '>asdf' | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+