VIM is a powerful editor with excellent plugins support for Linux(Unix), Apple Mac and MS Windows. But the naive vim is trivial to some degree. For more productivity in programming, it needs careful configuration. And the procedure is time-consuming and tedious.
I have created this project to share my configuration of vim. Feel free to fork it as your need.
Sharing is significant spirit of hacker world.
for checking python3 and django. syntastic will use them
YouCompleteMe depends on clang, boost etc.
edit .vim/ycm_extra_conf/
for the include path of g++/clang++ etc
The vim version is required by YouCompleteMe. See as YouCompleteMe
- fork this repository to the home directory
git clone
- link to vimrc and change dir to .vim
cd $HOME
ln -s .vim/vimrc .vimrc
cd .vim
- install vundle
mkdir bundle
cd bundle
git clone
- install plugins via vundle
vim +PluginInstall +qall
Or launch vim
and run :PluginInstall
- compile YouCompleteMe
cd bundle/YouCompleteMe
python3 --clang-completer
Building YCM requires cmake 2.8 or higher. If need C# support, adding parameter --omnisharp-completer
- upgrade vim using brew
Make sure your vim has python3 support, because YouCompleteMe requires it.
- Other steps are the same as Linux
If you get the error messages as following:
Mapping already in use: "<LocalLeader>is", mode "n"
Mapping already in use: "<LocalLeader>is", mode "i"
you could edit the file bundle/a.vim/plugin/a.vim
and commente the following lines:
imap <Leader>is <ESC>:IHS<CR>:A<CR>
nmap <Leader>is :IHS<CR>:A<CR>
Make sure you have properly installed gocode before using vim for golang.
go get
gocode --version
If there is any error when running command above, please check the envirement for golang. Properly setting GOROOT, GOPATH and PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin:$PATH is needed.
cd $HOME/prometheus