Inplementation of 3D Convolutional Neural Network for video classification using Keras(with tensorflow as backend).
This code requires UCF-101 dataset. This code generates graphs of accuracy and loss, plot of model, result and class names as txt file and model as hd5 and json.
You can use to make an input image which will maximize the specific output. This code is able to maximize a layer's output of any classification model. (Only dense layer convolutional layer(2D/3D) and pooling layer(2D/3D) are allowed.)
opencv3 (with ffmpeg), keras, numpy, tqdm
Options of are as following:
batch size, default is 128
the number of epochs, default is 100
a name of directory where dataset is stored, default is UCF101
the number of classes you want to use, default is 101
a directory where the results described above will be saved
use RGB image or grayscale image, default is False
get frames at interval or contenuously, default is True
the number of frames to use, default is 10
Options of are almost same as those of
You can use --nmodel
option to set the number of models.
Options of are as follows:
saved json file of a model
saved hd5 file of a model weights
True to show layer names of a model, default is False
the name of a layer which will be maximized
the index of a layer output which will be maximized
the number of iteration, default is 20
You can see more information by using --help
You can execute like the following:
python --batch 32 --epoch 50 --videos dataset/ --nclass 10 --output 3dcnnresult/ --color True --skip False --depth 15
You can generate the input image which maximizes 0th output of layer named 'dense_2' like this:
python -m result_cnn_10class/ucf101cnnmodel.json -w result_cnn_10class/ucf101cnnmodel.hd5 -n 'dense_2' -i 0 --iter 100
When I got the results in result_cnn_10class, result_cnn_101class, result_3dcnn_10class, result_3dcnn_101class , result_ensemble, I set the options like the follows:
nclass | batch | epoch | color | skip | depth | nmodel | accuracy | |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 10 | 128 | 100 | False | True | - | - | 0.844 | | 101 | 128 | 100 | False | True | - | - | 0.558 | | 10 | 128 | 100 | False | True | 10 | - | 0.900 | | 101 | 128 | 100 | False | True | 10 | - | 0.692 | | 101 | 128 | 100 | False | True | 10 | 10 | 0.876 |
2DCNN model
get example images from the dataset.
get frames from a video, extract a class name from filename of a video in UCF101.