A knowledge-based explorable search engine providing all-round information for software developement.
- build connetions among domain-specific information, like code structure, history and PR
- provide explorable UI to get the information for software development
- search C/C++ components (struct/function/class) by keywords
- present structural information, like associations among code blocks
- present developer information of lines of code
- present PR information of lines of code
explorable UI with high-level interactivity and density of information
- given a keyword, interactively presenting connectivity of components which declaration contains the keyword
- interactively presenting code blocks of the component
- interactively presenting developers for the code block
- interactively presenting PR infos for the code block
scalable backend associating code structure, history and PR by linking them with a line of code
- given a set of C/C++ repos (code base), establishing index of these repos according to their component (struct/function/class) declarations
- associating between a line of code and components (struct/function/class) via code graph
- associating between a line of code and developers via analyzing commit history
- associating between a line of code and PR info via bugzilla(vmware) or github(open source)
- getting reusable code blocks from the code base with keywords
- inferring quality of the code block by evaluating its developers
- recommending developers who are suitable for writing a component from zero
Ubuntu 16.04 and Python3 32bit and 8GB RAM
Install Packages
$ sudo apt install git $ cd ~ $ git clone https://github.com/ch-chiu/CodeCompass.git $ cd ~/CodeCompass/compass/setup $ python install.py
- change the home path for data in ~/CodeCompass/compass/setup/data_path.py
(You can only replace user0 with your own username or replace the whole path with the path you want to store the files.
You only need to change the path at this place.)
setup compass3.0
$ cd ~/CodeCompass/compass/setup $ python setup.py
run flask app
$ cd CodeCompass/compass/webApp $ sudo python app.py
access IP with Chrome