1.7.0-develop.1 (2020-09-02)
Bug Fixes
- api doc link (4a48eed)
- corrected import (7496e0e)
- doc search fix on keyword with space char (abdb9ce)
- documentation path (efb770b)
- download results file bug (1afe2a1)
- e2e test (44d1fef)
- fixed broken footer component (049af5e)
- fixed broken footer component (1) (c930388)
- pass correct csv url to download button (b97064f)
- rows param in results tab (4f198ef)
- searchfield text color (019f0cb)
- streamsaver func for safari support (646b0cd)
- uncommented build step, added file per check (6d9b80f)
- activeStyle now works when in api docs (218f08f)
- add cat header in additional filters dropdown (704a6e1)
- add custom pagination in data table (02f4612)
- add hash autoscroll in docs (70a16c3)
- added covid banner (d9fa7a8)
- added debug config for chrome canary (b3df52f)
- added done button + moved back button in qb results page (3b57bc9)
- added library (122e44f)
- adjusted shrink mechanism (6301ecc)
- choose sample size results (8d3b154)
- datatable rows hack (28e48d9)
- disable repeat rows option for transaction & budget (b972f3d)
- enable all filters for rows expansion queries (3407549)
- linked IATI logo in footer (7361bd1)
- non-functional radio buttons (1a62365)
- paging to results table (ce5623f)
- removed text from api landing (a826935)
- sample size radio buttons functional (5c98c78)
- shrinking nav (3c06a35)
- sticky qb step navigator (ec2e506)
- title for results in querybuilder (21dd36f)
- updated eslint config (d0c8652)
Performance Improvements
- modified routes (39e2756)