released this
09 Feb 13:45
1.0.0 (2022-02-09)
Bug Fixes
activity detail page param bugfix (db4ca63 )
add missing field to activities list data request (3cfcbec )
add sticky period filter for projects (de13f87 )
budget lines bar chart swedish (fea2135 )
budget lines filter options return call (4e88783 )
budget lines viz bugfix (409dd1a )
comment policy_marker_significance until added (8bd7716 )
country detail hdi data fix (890f268 )
country detail page data (3a56558 )
detail pages names (f853b53 )
filter options date sticky filter (e9ede87 )
filters concatenation (f2e214e )
general search date filter (9503f65 )
generic api bugfixes (5a0473e )
high level org names (590c2a4 )
inc (e105de4 )
locations mapping (f54e61d )
locations treemap sub-regions bug (33f0f18 )
low level org name (99cb715 )
org detail page name api bugfix (793d2d6 )
projects list search bug (f8f081c )
sdg images (cac5603 )
sector drilldown inconsistencies (df403aa )
sector levels with same name (f6f4f08 )
sectors activities table get filter string util (e1c5d1a )
sticky date filter for oda (7896db9 )
sunburst sectors sum (b77079f )
thematic area detail page name (5d11634 )
thematic areas search results bug (5f23f48 )
add activity data items translations (736328c )
add aid type & participating org to project card (c112dab )
add country detail strategy info (cb9d11c )
add country page news and contact data (41199b8 )
add HDI indicator years (97d0450 )
add lang support (b84ae49 )
add lang support to activity detail org names (f8139f9 )
add more filters (1ad7f41 )
add sub-region translations (4312b32 )
add thematic areas global search (0b09b3f )
add translations on activities table (ae3e50c )
add widget overview stats (815a38e )
additional logic in viz controllers (14a4ace )
adjust api actions for detail pages (54b8a48 )
adjust calculation of organisation filter options (c8b4d85 )
adjust detail page function for org detail (02a9fbc )
adjust thematic areas api (6044afa )
adjustment for advanced filters (7a77757 )
align orgs treemap items calculation (dc852fc )
align sectors sort (edd33cd )
align viz api with data from datastore (92bd37c )
apply same org calculation changes to filter (56e0a85 )
change data source for thematic areas viz (226143a )
change for project list (57e34b4 )
change orgs hierarchy in filters and visualisation (c88e38b )
change period filter to transaction_value_date (f37f944 )
extra data for country detail page (48dfd7f )
implement activity detail api actions (ed28199 )
implement additional data in detail pages (2197b57 )
implement budget line translations (7cd8eed )
implement cooperation modalities translations (0e6e252 )
implement country translations (5f86de4 )
implement filter options & sdg viz (ee28cae )
implement general search (20b1279 )
implement gni data (7bc5a3b )
implement location hierarchy filter (8e5f9bd )
implement sector translations (9a1a3f2 )
implement simple activities table (fb72c33 )
implement viz controllers (75e2b0e )
implement year period filter (eb4f688 )
implemented feedback logic (d1dfea6 )
implemented organisations treemap color (48d25bb )
limit data from 2015 onwards (e50d5d9 )
limit oda & budget lines data years (113eb38 )
make use of policy_marker_combined filter (f78cf85 )
new implementation (4aab6d0 )
order by number ascending for policy markers (c05baf5 )
order on CRS channel code for organisations filter (b20b93c )
orgs translations (cb089d7 )
project detail region translation (9a6f16c )
remove org role in activity detail page (f805d19 )
sdgs translations (936ffd7 )
show policy markers with significance (5f607af )
sort projects by iati identifier descending (f0f0995 )
thematic area filter/viz changes (187003b )
translated sdgs (96c29f4 )
tweak org treemap logic (45eb634 )
tweaks to make priority areas translated (153ec7c )
update country detail page contact info (7daf7e5 )
update projects count calc (b756cb0 )
use transaction date for oda & budget lines (03039cd )
You can’t perform that action at this time.