The project was structured in two main folders: backend and frontend:
The backend architecture is based on the principles of Clean Architecture and DDD:
In the frontend part, I organized the React project as follows:
This project is built using ASP.NET Core 5. You can cd into API directory and say dotnet restore and then dotnet watch run.
- ASP.NET Core
- MediatR
- NWebsec
- Generic Repository Patterns
- Unit of Work Pattern
- Sqlite during devlopment
- Mysql in Production
- Swagger
- Automapper
- Hosted Services
- SignalR
- EntityFramework Core
- Identity
- Redis Distributed Cache
This project was generated with Vite command. You can cd into frontend folder and do npm i to install the packages then npm run dev to run the project.
- React
- Typescript
- TailwindCSS
- React Query
- Formik
- MobX
- Axios