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Add experimental alternative fetch strategies
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1. `ManyPartitionsQueueSizeBasedFetchStrategy`, a variation on the default `QueueSizeBasedFetchStrategy` which limits total memory usage.
2. `PredictiveFetchStrategy` an improved predictive fetching strategy (compared to the predictive strategy from zio-kafka 2.3.x) which uses history to calculate the average number of polls the stream needed to process, and uses that to estimate when the stream needs more data.

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 - [ ] Add unit tests
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erikvanoosten committed Jul 5, 2023
1 parent 1c9025b commit 5c3bac7
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package zio.kafka.consumer.fetch

import zio.Scope
import zio.kafka.ZIOSpecDefaultSlf4j
import zio.kafka.consumer.fetch.PollHistory.PollHistoryImpl
import zio.test._

object PollHistorySpec extends ZIOSpecDefaultSlf4j {
override def spec: Spec[TestEnvironment with Scope, Any] = suite("PollHistorySpec")(
test("estimates poll count for very regular pattern") {
(("001" * 22) + "").toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 3,
(("001" * 22) + "0").toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 2,
(("001" * 22) + "00").toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 1,
(("00001" * 13) + "").toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 5
test("estimates poll count for somewhat irregular pattern") {
"000101001001010001000101001001001".toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 3
test("estimates poll count only when paused for less than 16 polls") {
"0".toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 64,
"10000000000000000000000000000000".toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 64,
("11" * 8 + "00" * 8).toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 64,
("11" * 9 + "00" * 7).toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 0
test("estimates poll count for edge cases") {
"11111111111111111111111111111111".toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 1,
"10000000000000001000000000000000".toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 1,
"01000000000000000100000000000000".toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 2,
"00100000000000000010000000000000".toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 3,
"00010000000000000001000000000000".toPollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume == 4
test("add to history") {
PollHistory.Empty.addPollHistory(true).asBitString == "1",
"101010".toPollHistory.addPollHistory(true).asBitString == "1010101",
PollHistory.Empty.addPollHistory(false).asBitString == "0",
"1".toPollHistory.addPollHistory(false).asBitString == "10",
"101010".toPollHistory.addPollHistory(false).asBitString == "1010100",
// Adding resume after a resume is not recorded:
"1".toPollHistory.addPollHistory(true).asBitString == "1",
"10101".toPollHistory.addPollHistory(true).asBitString == "10101"

private implicit class RichPollHistory(private val ph: PollHistory) extends AnyVal {
def asBitString: String =

private implicit class PollHistoryOps(private val s: String) extends AnyVal {
def toPollHistory: PollHistory = new PollHistoryImpl(java.lang.Long.parseUnsignedLong(s.takeRight(64), 2))
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package zio.kafka.consumer.fetch

import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import zio.{ Chunk, ZIO }
import zio.kafka.consumer.internal.PartitionStreamControl

import scala.collection.mutable

* A fetch strategy that allows a stream to fetch data when its queue size is below `maxPartitionQueueSize`, as long as
* the total queue size is below `maxTotalQueueSize`. This strategy is suitable when [[QueueSizeBasedFetchStrategy]]
* requires too much heap space, particularly when a lot of partitions are being consumed.
* @param maxPartitionQueueSize
* Maximum number of records to be buffered per partition. This buffer improves throughput and supports varying
* downstream message processing time, while maintaining some backpressure. Large values effectively disable
* backpressure at the cost of high memory usage, low values will effectively disable prefetching in favour of low
* memory consumption. The number of records that is fetched on every poll is controlled by the `max.poll.records`
* setting, the number of records fetched for every partition is somewhere between 0 and `max.poll.records`. A value
* that is a power of 2 offers somewhat better queueing performance.
* The default value for this parameter is 2 * the default `max.poll.records` of 500, rounded to the nearest power of 2.
* @param maxTotalQueueSize
* Maximum number of records to be buffered over all partitions together. This can be used to limit memory usage when
* consuming a large number of partitions.
* The default value is 20 * the default for `maxTotalQueueSize`, allowing approximately 20 partitions to do
* pre-fetching in each poll.
final case class ManyPartitionsQueueSizeBasedFetchStrategy(
maxPartitionQueueSize: Int = 1024,
maxTotalQueueSize: Int = 20480
) extends FetchStrategy {
override def selectPartitionsToFetch(
streams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]
): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Set[TopicPartition]] = {
// By shuffling the streams we prevent read-starvation for streams at the end of the list.
val shuffledStreams = scala.util.Random.shuffle(streams)
.foldLeft(shuffledStreams)((mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[TopicPartition], maxTotalQueueSize)) {
case (acc @ (partitions, queueBudget), stream) => { queueSize =>
if (queueSize < maxPartitionQueueSize && queueSize < queueBudget) {
(partitions +=, queueBudget - queueSize)
} else acc
.map { case (tps, _) => tps.result().toSet }
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package zio.kafka.consumer.fetch

import java.lang.{ Long => JavaLong }

* Keep track of a partition status ('resumed' or 'paused') history as it is just before a poll.
* The goal is to predict in how many polls the partition will be resumed.
* WARNING: this is an EXPERIMENTAL API and may change in an incompatible way without notice in any zio-kafka version.
sealed trait PollHistory {

* @return
* the estimated number of polls before the partition is resumed (a positive number). When no estimate can be made,
* this returns a high positive number.
def estimatedPollCountToResume: Int

* Creates a new poll history by appending the given partition status as the latest poll. The history length might be
* limited. When the maximum length is reached, older history is discarded.
* @param resumed
* true when this partition was 'resumed' before the poll, false when it was 'paused'
def addPollHistory(resumed: Boolean): PollHistory

object PollHistory {

* An implementation of [[PollHistory]] that stores the poll statuses as bits in an unsigned [[Long]].
* Bit value 1 indicates that the partition was resumed and value 0 indicates it was paused. The most recent poll is
* in the least significant bit, the oldest poll is in the most significant bit.
// exposed only for tests
private[fetch] final class PollHistoryImpl(val resumeBits: Long) extends PollHistory {
override def estimatedPollCountToResume: Int = {
// This class works with 64 bits, but let's assume an 8 bit history for this example.
// Full history is "00100100"
// We are currently paused for 2 polls (last "00")
// The 'before history' contains 2 polls (in "001001", 6 bits long),
// so the average resume cycle is 6 / 2 = 3 polls,
// and the estimated wait time before next resume is
// average resume cycle (3) - currently pause (2) = 1 poll.

// Now consider the pattern "0100010001000100" (16 bit history).
// It is very regular but the estimate will be off because the oldest cycle
// (at beginning of the bitstring) is not complete.
// We compensate by removing the first cycle from the 'before history'.
// This also helps predicting when the stream only just started.

// When no resumes are observed in 'before history', we cannot estimate and we return the maximum estimate (64).

// Also when 'before history' is too short, we can not make a prediction and we return 64.
// We require that 'before history' is at least 16 polls long.

val currentPausedCount = JavaLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(resumeBits)
val firstPollCycleLength = JavaLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(resumeBits) + 1
val beforeHistory = resumeBits >>> currentPausedCount
val resumeCount = JavaLong.bitCount(beforeHistory) - 1
val beforeHistoryLength = JavaLong.SIZE - firstPollCycleLength - currentPausedCount
if (resumeCount == 0 || beforeHistoryLength < 16) {
} else {
val averageResumeCycleLength = Math.round(beforeHistoryLength / resumeCount.toDouble).toInt
Math.max(0, averageResumeCycleLength - currentPausedCount)

override def addPollHistory(resumed: Boolean): PollHistory =
// When `resumed` is true, and the previous poll was 'resumed' as well, one of 2 cases are possible:
// 1. we're still waiting for the data,
// 2. we did get data, but it was already processed and we need more.
// For case 1. we should not add the the history, for case 2 we should.
// We'll err to the conservative side and assume case 1.
if (resumed && ((resumeBits & 1) == 1)) {
} else {
new PollHistoryImpl(resumeBits << 1 | (if (resumed) 1 else 0))

/** An empty poll history. */
val Empty: PollHistory = new PollHistoryImpl(0)
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package zio.kafka.consumer.fetch

import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import zio.kafka.consumer.internal.PartitionStreamControl
import zio.{ Chunk, ZIO }

import scala.collection.mutable

* A fetch strategy that predicts when a stream needs more data by analyzing its history.
* The prediction is based on the average number of polls the stream needed to process data in the recent past. In
* addition, a stream can always fetch when it is out of data.
* This fetch strategy is suitable when processing takes at a least a few polls. It is especially suitable when
* different streams (partitions) have different processing times, but each stream has consistent processing time.
* Note: this strategy has mutable state; a separate instance is needed for each consumer.
* @param maxEstimatedPollCountsToFetch
* The maximum number of estimated polls before the stream may fetch data. The default (and minimum) is 1 which means
* that data is fetched 1 poll before it is needed. Setting this higher trades higher memory usage for a lower chance
* a stream needs to wait for data.
final class PredictiveFetchStrategy(maxEstimatedPollCountsToFetch: Int = 1) extends FetchStrategy {
require(maxEstimatedPollCountsToFetch >= 1, s"`pollCount` must be at least 1, got $maxEstimatedPollCountsToFetch")
private val CleanupPollCount = 10
private var cleanupCountDown = CleanupPollCount
private val pollHistories = mutable.Map.empty[PartitionStreamControl, PollHistory]

override def selectPartitionsToFetch(streams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Set[TopicPartition]] =
ZIO.succeed {
if (cleanupCountDown == 0) {
pollHistories --= (pollHistories.keySet.toSet -- streams)
cleanupCountDown = CleanupPollCount
} else {
cleanupCountDown -= 1
} *>
.foldLeft(streams)(mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[TopicPartition]) { case (acc, stream) => { queueSize =>
val outOfData = queueSize == 0
val pollHistory = pollHistories.getOrElseUpdate(stream, PollHistory.Empty)
val predictiveResume = pollHistory.estimatedPollCountToResume <= maxEstimatedPollCountsToFetch
pollHistories += (stream -> pollHistory.addPollHistory(outOfData))
if (outOfData || predictiveResume) acc += else acc

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