Bring back discarded reads in regions with low coverage in Aquila for better assembly.
The scripts have five steps:
- detect 1-kb regions with low coverage in Aquila (< 90% bases are covered relative to the reference).
- merge adjacent regions into larger intervals and fetch raw reads in those regions.
- partition reads into hp1, hp2 and discarded reads
- concat discarded reads with hp1 or hp2 reads and perform local assembly
- replace the original assembly in aquila with the new assembly including discarded reads if the new assembly is better
python ./script/ --input_dir=L5_NA24385 --correct_bam_output_dir=correct_bam_files \
--output_dir=less_covered_regions --merge_supplementary=True --num_threads=8
the directory that contains the original aquila assembly and reads--correct_bam_output_dir:
the directory to output the correct sorted bam files for aquila (the correct bam files are generated by renaming the contig headers)--output_dir:
the output directory for the aquila assembly after merging with new assembly including discarded reads--merge_supplementary:
whether to merge contigs with supplementary mappings
The final fasta files after meging with new assembly are in the $output_dir/merged_assembly/ Aquila_Contig_chr*_hp*.fasta
│── chromo*_less_covered_regions.txt
├── chromo*_read_bams
├── chromo*_phased_reads
├── chromo*_concat_reads
├── chromo*_assembly
├── improved_assemblies
└── merged_assembly (final outputs)
├── Aquila_Contig_chr*_hp*.fasta
├── Aquila_Contig_chr*_hp*_sorted.bam
├── Aquila_Contig_chr*_hp*_rewrite.fasta
(intermediate fasta files used to generate the correct bam files by renaming the headers)