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Travis Join Discord Bot invite

A simple bot for discord made with discordrb. The bot is under active development, I'm adding new features and fixing issues everyday. If you don't want to tinker around with code or host the bot on your own, you can invite it to your server by pressing the invite badge above. However, if you do, there are some poorly written instructions down below.


  • Automatic link shortening with Whenever a link within a message is detected, the message gets replaced and all its links shortened. Example:

    PoVa: look at his dank maymay m8:

    (Original message deleted)

    Sapphire: PoVa: look at his dank maymay m8:

    This feature is disabled by default, but you can enable it with the following command: toggle shortening. You can find ignored urls here.

  • Owner of the bot can send mass message to all servers by sending the bot a private message.


Commands start with a prefix, which is ! by default.

  • General:

    • help shows a list of all the commands available.
    • help <command> displays help for a specific command.
    • about shows information about this bot.
    • stats displays bot statistics.
    • ping shows with respond time.
    • invite displays information about inviting this bot to your server.
    • yt <query> finds youtube video.
    • settings displays current server settings.
  • Fun:

    • flip fips a coin.
    • roll rolls a dice.
    • lmgtfy <text> generates lmgtfy (Let Me Google That for you) link.
  • Music bot:

    • music_help displays information on how to use music features.
    • join makes the bot join your voice channel (manage server).
    • leave makes the bot leave your voice channel (manage server).
    • add <query> adds a song to server queue and starts playing it.
    • skip skips current song (manage server).
    • queue shows current queue.
    • clearqueue <index/all> deletes songs from server queue (manage server).
    • repeat toggles repeat (manage server).
  • Moderation:

    • delete <ammount> deletes messages in this channel (manage messages).
    • announce <message> announces your message server-wide (manage messages).
    • kickall kicks all the members from the server, except you and the bot (kick members).
  • Configuration:

    • toggle <setting> allows you to toggle different bot settings.
    • set <setting> <value> allows you to set values of different bot settings.
    • default <setting/all> resets bot setting (or all settings) to default.
  • Debugging and owner only commands:

    • eval <code> evaluates Ruby expression(s). USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION
    • avatar <url> sets avatar of this bot.
    • game <text> sets game status of the bot.


You can find me (@PoVa, ID109268519115329536) on this server:

Upcoming features

  • Web interface
  • Tests

Installing and running

  1. Make sure you have git and bundler installed, then

    $ git clone

  2. (optional) Install voice dependencies. This is how I do it on my linux machine:

sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev

sudo apt-get install libopus-dev

sudo apt-get install libav-tools

  1. (optional) Remove music from command in the following step.

  2. Run bundle install

$ bundle install --without development music

  1. Run the bot.

    $ ./run

After you've done with configuration, invite url should pop up, use it to make the bot join your server.


$ git pull

$ bundle install


Run the bot with -debug command line option:

$ ./run -debug


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A simple bot for discord made with discordrb







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