Simple anagram game using PHP and Vue JS
There are two versions:
- Picks a random word from a text file
- MySQL version
The word list from which the anagrams are taken is from a bunch of Gutenburg texts. The wordlist, both text and database version is produced by running loadwords.php (database and table must exist already). The anagram app itself picks a random word from the text file or the database and presents it in a scrambled form.
Uses the Words API from Mashape to get a definition for the word, if available, and shows this as a clue if required. In the database version the clue is stored in the database so the API does not have to be called a second time for the same word. This API is free up to 2500 request per day, at August 2018.
It is just a simple project to demonstrate some basic skills.
- basic use of object oriented PHP and PDO
- Vue-Draggable and SortableJS as well as Vue,
- Button styling from Purecss.
- Vue JS modal component from Vue JS example section
- Conditional rendering with
- Looping with
- Uses LocalStorage to saved data on anagrams successfully solved
- Uses this fiddle as
to allow the display of solved words to be sorted alphabetically, by time taken to solve, by length, and by date/time - Uses CSS grid and flexbox but very basically
- responsiveness is executed purely by using viewport units
along with the odd percentage.
A much earlier version of this app used a web worker to keep track of the time and test if the solution had been found, but this is replaced here by using the watch: {}
construct in Vue JS