####Dir Structure
├── GithubStats ---> Assignment#1 "Github Stats"
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── example_list.txt
│ └── gitrepocheck.py
├── README.md
├── dockercompose ---> Assignment#2 "Docker Nginx + Log Management"
│ ├── docker-compose.yml
│ ├── fluentd
│ │ ├── Dockerfile
│ │ └── conf
│ │ └── fluent.conf
│ └── nginx
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ └── index.html
└── iac ---> Assignment#2 "Docker Nginx + Log Management" IAC
└── iac.json
####Assignment-1"Github Stats" - A seperate "README.md" is included under "GithubStats" directory.
####Assignment-2"Docker Nginx + Log Management" - Docker compose file to create a NEFK ( Nginx, Elasticsearch, Fluentd and Kibana ) cluster.
#Steps -
- Please clone the repo "https://github.com/zodilib/honestbee.git".
- Under the directory "dockercompose" , run the command
"docker-compose up"
#Requirement -
- Docker should be installed and running
- Docker compose should be installed.
####Assignment-2"Docker Nginx + Log Management"-IAC A cloudformation template is being provided to create the docker cluster of NEFK on a EC2 instance.
#Steps -
- Please clone the repo "https://github.com/zodilib/honestbee.git".
- Under the directory "iac", use the "iac.json" to create a stack on AWS Cloudformation.
- Output is provided in the Output section of the respective Stack.
#Requirement -
- User needs to have access to create security group, create EC2 instances.
- User needs to have an associated "ssh key" for a respective region.
#####NOTE - "Please give 5 - 10 min for the docker-compose to finish after the stack formation"