- Console: provide API and console for management
- Worker: provide the service registration synchronization.
+----> |NacosClusterA|
| +-------------+ +-------------+
| |NacosClusterB|
Pull | +--+----------+
Info | +------------+ ^
| |ZooKeeper | |
| +--+---------+ | Push Info
| ^ Pull Info |
| | |
| ++-----------------------------+--+
<--------+ NacosSync1, NacosSync2,.... |
| |
| |
| |
| +---------+ |
+-----> |NacosSync| <-----+
|Database |
- All registration information will be stored in NacosSync DB.
- Multiple NacosSync instances will perform the same job.
- Multiple NacosSync instances ensure high availability.
- Multiple NacosSync instances performing the same job ensure the simplicity.
- NacosCluster target will dedup the synchronization information from Nacos.
- Swagger API:
- Web Console:
- Others: TBD
Source | Target | Support | Note |
Nacos | Nacos | Yes | Only supports the same version of Nacos migration,especially the version of 0.8 migrates to 1.0 or above. |
Nacos | Zookeeper | Yes | Only support registery center of Dubbo |
Nacos | Consul | Yes | Only support registery center of Spring Cloud |
Nacos | Eureka | Yes | Only support registery center of Spring Cloud |
Zookeeper | Nacos | Yes | Only support registery center of Dubbo |
Consul | Nacos | Yes | Only support registery center of Spring Cloud |
Eureka | Nacos | Yes | Only support registery center of Spring Cloud |
- Start the NacosSync service
- Use a simple example to demonstrate how to migrate a Dubbo client registered in the Zookeeper Registry to the Nacos Registry
Before you begin, install the following:
- 64bit OS: Linux/Unix/Mac/Windows supported, Linux/Unix/Mac recommended.
- 64bit JDK 1.8+: downloads, JAVA_HOME settings.
- Maven 3.5.2+: downloads, settings.
- MySql 5.6.+
There are two ways to get NacosSync.
- Download run package
- Download source code from Github
cd nacos-sync/
mvn clean package -U
The path to the target file:
After extracting the installation package, the directory structure:
├── bin
│ ├── nacosSync.sql
│ ├── shutdown.sh
│ └── startup.sh
├── conf
│ ├── application.properties
│ └── logback-spring.xml
├── logs
└── nacos-sync-server.jar
The default is Mysql database, which can support other relational databases
- Build db schema, the default schema name nacos_sync.
- Tables do not need to be created separately, which is conducive to hibernate's automatic table creation function.
- If the automatic table creation fails, you can build the table nacosSync.sql, the table statement is in the bin folder.
In the bin folder, application.properties:
$ nacosSync/bin:
sh startup.sh start