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Context menu

Zev Spitz edited this page Dec 30, 2019 · 7 revisions

Each node on the treeview has a context menu:

Context menu

The following commands are available:

Copy watch expression

If you want to add a particular node as a watch expression to the Visual Studio Watch window, it's not enough to write the path:


because the return type of Body is an Expression, but the Left property exists only on BinaryExpression. You therefore have to cast Body to BinaryExpression like this:


It can become rather complex to write, particularly the deeper the node; so this command copies the expression + casting to the clipboard.

This command respects the value of the Language setting -- if Visual Basic is selected, then CType will be used for the casts.

(Ideally, the command would actually add the watch, instead of just copying the necessary expression to the clipboard; tracked under #75.)

Note -- the visualizer API doesn't expose the expression currently being debugged by the visualizer (issue filed here), so you'll be prompted to enter it the first time this command is used:

Prompt for debugged expression

This value can be changed in the Expression textbox on the visualizer.

Help links

Each node can have a number of links to

Name Description Example
Property The property of the parent node which gets to this node BinaryExpression.Left
Node type Expression.NodeType for Expression
MemberBinding.BindingType for MemberBinding
GotoExpression.Kind for GotoExpression (#77)
Base type Public types in the inheritance/implementation tree of the node object's type MemberExpression
Factory method For BinaryExpression and UnaryExpression, the specific factory method which creates this node's object
Otherwise, the factory methods which return the same type as the node object

Open value in new window

For expressions with a value -- ConstantExpression, or MemberAccessExpression that represent closed-over variables -- you can open a new instance of the visualizer for the value.

For example, in the following screenshot, the lambda expression returns the closed-over variable expr1; the second window shows the value at expr1 in a new visualizer instance.

Open value in new window