- This is an online auction website that allows sellers to post their products with details, and schedule the auction. Buyers can buy the products by placing bids.
- The website comes with a calendar view using which the users can see all the deals in a calendar setting, making it easier for them to match their schedule with the auction timings.
- Products can be sorted according to various filters , making it easy for buyers to grab the deals of their choice.
- An Auction Space for every product allows users to see what bids are being placed for the product and various other stats while the auction is going on.
- Buyers can view the seller's profile to see their past posts as well as past purchases , giving transparency and confidence.
- There is a watchlist where users can add products whose auctions they wish to be notified about. An email will be sent to the user once the auction of that product starts.
- The real-time chat feature is enabled to make communication between buyer and seller effective and effortless.
- In the My profile section, the users can view and edit their details such as username/address, etc, and can also view their own past purchases as well as posts.
One must have nodeJs installed on the system.
Download Link: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ (Download the LTS version)
Clone the git repository from the following link : https://github.com/AkshitaJain1503/Auction_Website.git Open the project folder on the local system and open three terminals. Run the following commands:
On the first terminal :
cd .\server\
npm i
npm start
On the second terminal :
cd .\client\
npm i
npm start
On the third terminal :
cd .\socket\
npm i
node index.js
Login/SignUp :
Home Page :
Product Details :
Auction Space For a Product :
WatchList :
MyProfile/UserProfile :
Past Purchases / Past Posts :
Edit Profile:
SearchResults :
Calendar View for Search Results:
Calendar View of a product for a specific date :
Buyer Queries :
Chat System :
Email Notifications:
Winning buyer getting mail
Subscriber getting mail before 24 hours